
Viral Tweet: A Daughter Groom Hunting For Her Mother

Aastha Varma is a law student and is looking for a groom for her mother. She used Twitter to find a man for her mother.

Ria Das
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New Update
Daughter Groom Hunting

This isn't your typical matrimonial advertisement. Aastha Varma recently took to Twitter in search of a groom for her mother. She posted a selfie with her mother and wrote, “Looking for a handsome 50 year old man for my mother! :) Vegetarian, Non Drinker, Well Established.”  Matrimonial ad done right!


Check out her viral tweet:

Aastha Varma is a law student, according to her Twitter bio. The daughter was looking to create a fairy-tale love story online, but for her mother. In this right-left swiping world, finding the right partner is hard since most of the generation believes in fast result with minimum work. So instead of going the traditional way, Aastha is out on Twitter to find a groom for her mom. After all, these days soul mates can easily be found through social media. In a unique style, the daughter, who is in a “groom hunting” mission for her mother, proves that stereotypes are boring and every one of us deserves to be happy. Her post got huge responses, mostly heart-warming appreciations. Aastha's mother is looking to find love at a certain age, breaking societal norms and that's endearing.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aastha Varma is a law student and is looking for a groom for her mother. She used Twitter to find a man for her mother.
  • She recently posted a selfie with her mother and wrote, “Looking for a handsome 50 year old man for my mother! :) Vegetarian, Non Drinker, Well Established.”  
  • The post went viral on social media immediately, and it impressed netizens.
  • Her grand gesture was lauded by many and even started receiving recommendations. Her mother is a true testimony of 'norm' breaker. And, Aastha supports her mother in the decision to find a partner.

Ever since Aastha tweeted last night, her grand gesture is being applauded by many (mostly positive) and the mother-daughter even started receiving recommendations. Turns out, there are several eligible bachelors for Aastha's mother to choose from. Here are some of the responses:

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Aastha was offered contacts of several men who are looking for partners too, like her mom.

When asked Aastha why didn't she go the usual way, either through a matrimonial site for matches for her mother, she said she had even tried Tinder, but never worked out.

We have witnessed several such cases in India, the recent one was when Kollam-based Gokul Sreedhar's mother Mini, who was assaulted in the first marriage, decided to marry again, and he wrote a heart-warming post on Facebook congratulating his mother. He was happy that his mother decided to choose a life and future she truly deserves.

"She is a woman who kept aside her life for me. In her marriage, which was a tragedy, she has suffered a lot. When I saw her once with blood oozing out from her forehead after being assaulted, I had asked her why she was still enduring it. I remember what Amma told me then, that she was living for me and that she was ready to endure more (for my sake). When I left that house holding my mother’s hand, I had vowed that day, that I will make this (her remarriage) happen,” Gokul wrote. The post went viral with over 40,000 likes and 4,000 shares on Facebook.

Being in a world full of abusers, critics and trolls, like Gokul, Aastha too understands and acknowledges that everyone needs a companion in life and supports her mother's decision to find one. We mostly see mothers find the right bride or groom for their kids, but how often do see this the other way around? Cheers to the passionate daughter for understanding her mother's decision to marry again — it must have been a life changing moment. A single tweet broke multiple stereotypes, and we ain't complaining!

Feature Image Credit: Aastha Varma/Twitter

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aastha varma Daughter matrimonial Tweet Woman Viral tweet groom for mother girl looks for man for mother Daughter viral Tweet viral tweet