
Unboxing Videos! Yes, that's a New Trend and it's Annoying!

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Whats wrong with unboxing videos

Social media platforms and mobiles have been the deadliest combination of all. Everyone is obsessed with both. Posting every minute is a result of the combination of the two. Every small activity finds its way through one’s feed. What are people eating and drinking, where are they out for lunch/dinner, who are they with and what are they wearing everything is meticulously recorded. While watching all these videos and photos are taxing, there is a new trend that is next level.  The Unboxing Video.


Unboxing videos of presents, gift or deliveries that one receives is silly and rash.

Social media platforms have also become synonymous with fashion bloggers. A lot of people are getting into styling and fashion gurus online. They were the ones who actually brought in this trend of unboxing products and posting it. If you are not that active on social media and do not follow bloggers then this might be new to you. The unboxing videos are nothing but people opening a parcel in front of the world. Say, you’ve received a delivery of something you ordered online. Then you place the camera and videotape your reaction and give commentary on the product and the parcel. That’s an unboxing video.

Say, you’ve received a delivery of something you ordered online. Then you place the camera and videotape your reaction and give commentary on the product and the parcel. That’s an unboxing video.

Earlier, these videos were quite interesting and intriguing. It was used as a way to promote a product by its brand ambassador. It was a perfect marketing strategy as netizens scrolled through their feeds. Now, it’s becoming an everyday thing. It is done by celebrities, bloggers and common people.

 Impulsive and hasty is what we could describe the video as. It has also become too dramatic of an affair.

Simran Chatrath, 20, also reflects similar thoughts. “These unboxing videos have become too annoying. Opening Instagram is equivalent to opening various products virtually. One day, I, in fact, counted the number of such videos. There were about 36 videos just in my homepage. I literally went and unfollowed everyone because it was so thoughtless and ridiculous. People should really stop it now,” says Simran.


While some do it because they are in paid partnership with the company, too much of it for everything is overwhelming. It’s time to rethink various marketing strategies to promote products rather than the unboxing videos!

What are your thoughts? Let us know!

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Reshma Ganeshbabu is an intern with SheThePeople.TV

UnboxingVideos #SocialMedia whats wrong unboxing