
Two Sisters In US Reunited After 78 Years

Tara Khandelwal
New Update

In 1937, eight siblings were separated in the US after authorities found that they were living in deplorable conditions. Now, 78 years later, two sisters have been reunited. Elizabeth Keller and Shirley Bridge hadn’t seen each other since they were eight and two years old, and have come together again.


The two sisters met at the Cameo Nursing home in Milwaukee.

"This was important for my Aunt Shirley to find my mother. Out of the eight siblings in the family, my mother and Shirley are the only ones living yet," said Elizabeth’s son Daniel Riley. Elizabeth suffers from dementia, but she responded to seeing her sister, despite her sickness.

"As sick as my mom is with the dementia, she really responded. Meeting her sister, her sister's children -- it just cut right through the sickness," Riley said

Shirley was adopted twice after being separated. The sisters had many things in common. Interestingly, they were both inclined towards medicine. Elizabeth became a medical assistant and Shirley became a nurse.

"It just shows you family is the most important thing in life when it comes down to it. New or old family. It's always good to have family," Elizabeth's son said.

This isn’t the first story of siblings being reunited after being separated at birth.


Last year, identical twins Audrey Doering and Gracie Rainsberry met after being separated at birth. The two were 10 years old, and had been born in China.

Audrey said when she heard the news, "I thought my parents were, like, playing a joke on me." She added that when she video chatted with her sister for the first time, her initial reaction was that "she's me".

She said that it always felt like something was missing and now it's complete.

Also Read: The Gahilote Sisters Want to Revive the Stories About the Himalayas

Picture Credit: Fox News

Separated at birth sisters reunited