Winds of change are blowing all over, with transgender people gradually getting the acknowledgement after decades of societal stigma. Surya and Ishaan K Shan have become flag-bearers of the transgender community, as they are the first couple set to tie the knot in Kerala. As per reports by TOI, the couple's marriage is on the cards and they couldn't be happier.
With family's support, paving way for others to follow
Surya, 31, gleefully forwards an invite to her wedding ceremony, “I Surya Vinod, a transwoman, and Ishaan K Shan, a transman, have great pleasure in inviting you for our wedding in May.”
She excitedly mentions about the preparations they are undertaking for their big day. It is also important for them because they are the first couple to be taking the step in the state of Kerala. Surya and Ishaan, who plan to solemnise their union under ‘Special Marriage Act’, have their parents' blessings.
The groom, Ishaan, who lives with his parents, believes, their marriage would further help the transgender community lead a normal life in the years to come.
“I want our marriage to be registered legally and have a normal life as husband and wife. Let our marriage be a lesson and motivation for others in our community to choose their own life partner and lead a regular life as part of the society. I am sure it will happen as there is a change in attitude and more acceptance for the TG community in our society nowadays.”
The 33-year-old businessman, who belongs to Vallakkadavu, had opted for the sex reassignment surgery two years ago. He puts his sister at the highest regard since she was the one who helped him accept his identity fearlessly.
“It was my younger sister Shijina who stood by me after I had come to know about my real identity in my childhood. She made my parents and other family members, including her in-laws, accept and love me as their son. When I told them about my interest to marry Surya, my family gave me their blessings. When Surya’s parents also gave permission, things turned out well.”
Also: Transgender people can file PAN under ‘Independent’ Gender Category
Love is their Religion
Ishaan and Surya fell in love six months ago. Soon after, Ishaan proposed. “She is my first love and I fell for her strong opinions, attitude and independence. Last year I, my Umma (mother) and Surya went to attend a meeting of TJB at Kozhikode. That is when I came to know that we share the same wavelength,” adds Ishaan.
Surya has nurtured the dream of having a wedding and starting her own family, ever since she understood and accepted her identity. It was her Ikka’s (elder brother) wish to make it legally public. The marriage will be registered under the Special Marriage Act, since the couple being to two different religions.
"We both respect each other’s religions as individuals and will continue to do so in future also. Love is our religion.”
Also: World Praises Pakistan’s First Transgender Female Anchor Maavia Malik
Trend-Setting example
Surya, who belongs to Mannanthala, believes that this marriage is not only important for them, but also for thousands of people belonging to the community.
“We have been receiving lot of phone calls and messages in support from the transgender community as well as others after publicising our intention to get married. So I infer that there must be more people from our community who want to get married. Let our marriage be a trend-setter. There should be matrimonial columns for TG community in newspapers and websites. Married life is not only for sexual gratification or dependent solely on gender but it is built on the foundation of mutual love, respect and security.”
The couple prefers a small ceremony and are busy with their hall bookings and necessary arrangements. They happily plan to invite all their Transgender community friends and take their blessings. Also, they prefer Mumbai as their honeymoon destination.
Surya is a fearless dreamer, who does not give up and passively marches forward. "Of course, there are long-term dreams too. Being a woman, I want to have my own baby one day if there is any possibility. Our community doesn’t yet have the provision to adopt a child. But then, as per the custom in our community, I am already mother to 15 children in the TG community.”
Heartiest congratulations to the trend-setting couple. More power o you!