
This UK Retirement Village Boosts Longevity Of Women

Ria Das
New Update
whiteley retirement village near Surrey, UK

A retirement village in the UK has become a big draw for elderly women looking to spend the rest of their lives there. And why not? Research has shown that living in the Whiteley Homes Trust near Surrey, UK, has boosted the longevity of the women residents. The village has 11 centenarians, and guess what? All of them are women who shifted here just 12 months ago.


According to a new research by the Cass Business School (University of London), the place has proven to be an aide to old women and has worked like medicine to those who were looking for health improvement. It is said that the village is officially the caretaker of older women and has been working to boost their longevity.

Yes, the village has a large number of women living in their second-innings days, who tend to live several years longer than others who live elsewhere, the research has found.

whiteley retirement village near Surrey, UK Whiteley retirement village near Surrey, UK (Pic Credit: NPR)

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Those who came in this place have lived five years longer than the general population. Started in 1917, the village provides housing and great environmental support for people of limited means. While the oldest woman lives here is 106 years old, maintaining good medical care and improving social relationships are the key factors behind this place’s breakthrough development. It helps combat the negative effects on health too.


The community village also works as a remedy in curing one’s health conditions. By helping them recover from poor health issues, its impact on them lasts several more years, thus leading them to live longer and happier lives.

Some wouldn’t believe it, but the survey very clearly stated that underprivileged woman, who were financially unstable before coming to the village, have shown a huge improvement in both health and wealth.

Professor Les Mayhew, Professor of Statistics at Cass Business School, said to, “It is well established that people classified as having a low socio-economic status tend to have a lower life expectancy than the average member of the population, but instead we found the opposite at Whiteley. One of our main results is that we show that female residents actually receive a longevity boost from retirement village life, and that life expectancy for males reaches a similar level to that of the general population.”

He added, “The undoubted lesson of Whiteley is that it is possible to create a socially stimulating and safe environment in which older people can enjoy a longer retirement in peace and comfort compared to that experienced by individuals of similar backgrounds in the general population.”


The Whiteley Village, which is now home to 500 residents, has all the necessary features for its residents, including 'self-contained flats', a nursing facility, post-office, a salon, a shop, a licensed bar, and 20 clubs dedicated to golf, photography, bowling etc. A monthly rent is chargeable for the cottages as per demands, reports Daily Mail.

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