
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' is Dedicated To Carrie Fisher's Leia

Ria Das
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Carrie Fisher's General Leia

Fans dressed as Star Wars characters like storm troopers bid adieu to Carrie Fisher, at the world premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi in Los Angeles. Carrie, who played General Leia on-screen over the years, died aged 60 in December last year. She had finished work on this movie before her death.


Film critics watched the highly anticipated film, which premiered over the weekend in Los Angeles. And, fittingly, the film ends with a note dedicated to the late Carrie Fisher.

The message to Fisher read: “In loving memory of our princess, Carrie Fisher,” Vanity Fair reported

Star Wars fans were overwhelmed to finally catch the film on the big screen. Fisher’s daughter, Billie Lourd, who plays Lt. Connix in The Force Awakens, was present at the premiere to watch the film, which was dedicated to her mother's memory.

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Official reviews for the movie are not yet been released.

Writer-director Rian Johnson opened the screening with a tribute, urging fans to "have a blast... for Carrie".

"I want to dedicate tonight to Carrie, who is up there right now flipping me the bird, saying 'Damn it Rian, don't you dare make this night a solemn tribute,'" shouted Johnson, who gathered the stars of the film on stage.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII) is the continuation of the movie franchise that started in 1977. The series has a huge fan following and the last of its episode was released in 2015 with the name The Force Awakens.

READ: 10 Amazing Carrie Fisher Quotes

If you are a true Star Wars’ fan, you’d know the powerful women leading the franchise from the start. Its leading ladies are always badass. Starting from Princess Leia Organa to Mon Mothma in Return of the Jedi. Also, the latest lead Rey (Daisy Ridley) being the new protagonist in The Force Awakens. The film’s another offering — Rogue One: A Star Wars Story — too had a leading lady Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones (of The Theory Of Everything).

ALSO READ: Annus Horribilis Claims Carrie Fisher

But today, we salute General Leia Carrie Fisher for her dedication to work. May The Force Be With You!


Feature Image Credit: Ink Tank

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