
Govt Can't Alone Stop Such Incidents: Rajasthan Minister On Alwar Rape Case

The 16-year-old specially-abled girl has incurred serious injuries to her internal and private organs due to the assault.

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Mamta Bhupesh
 On January 14, Rajasthan's Women and Child Development Minister Mamta Bhupesh talked about the alleged sexual assault and attack on a specially-abled minor girl in Alwar, saying that the government alone can't stop such incidents. To investigate the case, the Rajasthan government has formed a special investigation team (SIT), while waiting for the medical report to arrive.

Speaking on how society needs to step up too, in order to stop such crimes, Bhupesh said, "Government alone can't stop such incidents. A collective resolve is needed in the society. Such persons don't come from outside. Darindon ko koi tilak nahi laga hai."

On January 12, a 16-year-old specially-abled girl was found abandoned on the Tijara flyover in Alwar. The Superintendent of Police Tejaswani Gautam said that the girl was admitted to a hospital where it was found that "there has been a lot of bleeding from her private part. Police are probing the matter."

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According to her parents, the survivor has a speech disorder. On the day of the incident, she was spotted by a passerby at around 8:30 PM. The person alarmed the police following which they admitted her to a local hospital and then relocated to Jaipur because she was suffering from excessive bleeding.  As per SP Gautam, the survivor was allegedly raped and then left on the overbridge near a railway crossing.


Rajasthan minister Parsadi Lal Meena had later shared an update about the survivor's heath on Thursday, saying that the doctors have operated successfully and she is out of danger.

The operation took place on January 12 in the afternoon and went on for three hours. The survivor is being treated at JK Lone Hospital in Jaipur. Dr Arvind Kumar Shukla, who is treating the girl, said that she is stable and under observation. Although the doctors are unable to feed her food orally as of yet.

The Bharatiya Janata Party unit of the state also protested against the situation of women safety in Rajasthan and demanded that the accused in the case be arrested and sentenced to death.

sexual crimes against girls crime against minor girls alwar rape case