
23 Years After Her Divorce, Pakistan Man Gets Mom To Marry Again

Udisha Srivastav
Updated On
New Update
Pakistani man divorced mom marry

A Pakistani man's announcement that he got his mother married 23 years after her divorce has taken social media by storm. As the post went viral, internet users and the twitterati have started showering love and blessings on him.


People have started celebrating the Pakistani man as the "Son of the year". Explaining the decision, he explained that he is now an adult and is financially stable too. Therefore, he wants to see his mother happy. He urged the twitterati to pray for his mother.

People have started celebrating him as the "Son of the year"

"My mom has been a divorcee for the last 23 years and I am getting her married this Friday as I am an adult and financially stable. Kindly remember her in your prayers," he tweeted. 

This is how hundreds of people have shared this lovely news and have re-tweeted to congratulate this man and his mother.

An exemplary case

At a time when we have seen cases in which people are accused of killing their mothers, brothers and sisters for "inappropriate" and "illegitimate" acts, this story is an exemplary case in point. Steps like this are rarely taken in our society. But the way in which people have showered love shows that society is changing nowadays.

ALSO READ: Why Honour Killing Survivor Gowsalya's Remarriage Matters

With this gesture, we will definitely think twice before calling Pakistani men "conservative". The news would definitely help us change our mindset.

Cheers to the man for his brave and inspiring step!

Udisha Srivastav Is An Intern With SheThePeople.TV

mother happiness #Marriageandfeminism Pakistan