
Kerala: After Living In Toilet For A Year, Abandoned Woman To Move Into New House

Woman living in toilet to move into sanitised, clean accommodation after authorities take notice. However, this is not the first such tragedy of its kind.

Tanvi Akhauri
Updated On
New Update
woman living in toilet, safe sanitation

Woman living in toilet to get better life: A middle-aged woman in Kerala, who was residing inside a toilet for a year after her house collapsed, will soon move into a proper house and healthier living conditions.


45-year-old Murugu hails from Palakkad district. Her husband and their adopted daughter abandoned her and she had to live in a makeshift 'toilet-house' after her house broke down, as per IANS. Given injuries after an accident, the woman also reportedly had to use a walker for movement.

One tragedy after another left her unable to live with independence and Murugu had to rely on the kindness of neighbours for even basic sustenance.

Her story came to light this week after local media aired it. Electricity Minister K Krishnankutty reportedly took notice of the matter and assured Murugu of a better life and house.

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As per reports, Murugu was given medical treatment soon after village officials reached her when her story went viral. Janata Dal (S), the party Krishnankutty belongs to, will reportedly back the construction of Murugu's new house.

"I am now very happy that my travails are over as people have come to me seeing my troubled life. I am really thankful to everybody," the 45-year-old was quoted saying.


This is unfortunately not the first such incident, with several tragic stories of women resorting to 'toilet residences' in India's rural parts surfacing in recent times. In 2019, a 72-year-old tribal woman was reported to be living out of a toilet in Odisha for at least three years, after authorities failed to give her and her family adequate accommodation.

More recently, a crime was reported from Haryana last year wherein a woman was allegedly being held captive in a toilet by her husband for a year. As per reports, she was even starved and weak. Police had taken cognisance of the issue.

health and hygiene Women's livelihood abandoned women Kerala Woman Sanitation