Virgin America's new logo... or not! credits: usatoday
This is Virgin America's idea of an April Fools day joke. A new logo, in the shape of a woman's breasts. Some might find it funny, others may not, and then there are some who might find it distasteful. Looking at it from a feminist lens, I can't help but question, is it appropriate to make sexist remarks on the day? Of course, we understand you're doing it just for the fun of it, but if a prank ends up annoying someone, will you call the prankster sexist or the prankster feminazi?
In 2013, James Franco uploaded a picture of Selena Gomez, who was dating Beiber back then. She had a 'baby' in her arms and the caption read 'Selena and I had a baby, it was born during Spring Break'. Would you consider this sexist?
Before debating that, let's define what would amount to being a sexist prank. Simple. If your simple, uncomplicated and funny prank is meant to denigrate someone's existence on the grounds of their gender and the roles that come with it, your prank will be outright sexist. Don't go for it. It's not going to be funny even for a second.
Happy April fool's day and the new spring. With love- a feminist (credits:pinterest)
A sexist joke won't hurt, as long as you make sure it's played out in the right spirit. Now how to do that, is something you will have to figure, depending on the temperament of the one you are playing it on, and the comfort level of the relationship you share.
One of the most widespread April Fool's day prank was in 1957, when BBC published a video of farmers harvesting spaghetti in Swiss farms. They received hundreds of emails requesting for the spaghetti bushes, which of course didn't exist.
Meanwhile in India, the best joke circulating since this morning is that the T20 World Cup Semi-final between India and West Indies was fixed. Did that offend anyone's sports sensibilities? Over to another debate!