
Fans Root for Meryl Streep To Replace Carrie Fisher As Leia

Ria Das
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Most Star Wars  fans would have to now see a new face of Leia but here’s the twist. The fans are rooting for veteran actress Meryl Streep to play General Leia on-screen, and have even begun a new fan petition to request the franchisee owners to consider casting her in place of the deceased Fischer.

There’s no doubt that Carrie Fisher playing Leia Organa was the epitome of women power in the franchise. The entire world mourned when this powerful feminist icon passed away after a heart attack in late 2016. And she will always remain in our hearts as Princess Leia…

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"As the fans of STAR WARS and Carrie Fisher, we really want Leia to shine in Episode IX and we certainly do not want her to be written out of the film abruptly without a reasonable plot. Therefore, recasting Leia is a more ideal option for us and we believe that Meryl Streep is an ideal candidate to play Leia," the petition reads. 

The idea came forth considering Streep’s celebratory achievement in the industry. So, if she plays the Princess, at least her fans would rejoice that moment.

On the movie front, it is an exciting time now with Disney taking charge of the Sci-fi series. With several new ideas the new trilogy made a huge success with a female lead in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But the heartbreaking news still remains that Fisher wasn't able to work on Episode IX, which was reportedly planned to be very much focused on General Leia, Vanity Fair reported months after Fisher’s passing.


READ: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ is Dedicated To Carrie Fisher’s Leia

It's currently ambiguous how Leia’s role in the future movies will pan out but certainly the petition is available online and has nearly reached its 8,000 signature goal.


Streep, a dearest friend of the late actress, starred as a fictional version of Fisher in Postcards From The Edge, which the Star Wars actress adapted from her own semi-autobiographical novel. The petition reads.

Though it is highly unlikely that the veteran Streep will actually be playing the role. Star Wars: The Last Jedi had the second-biggest opening weekend of all time in the US when it was released in December. It earned a whooping $450m in just three days and had the highest opening weekend of any film in 2017 in the UK.

Given how popular a feminist icon Princess Leia is, who do you think could play the role popularised by Carrie Fischer?

READ: 10 Amazing Carrie Fisher Quotes

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girl lead actor female lead in movies Star Wars The Last Jedi #StarWars Meryl Streep Princess Leia Carrie Fisher Star Wars woman in main role