
Explained: Why Greta Thunberg's Stand For Palestine Sparked Controversy

Here's an explainer of how Greta Thunberg's advocacy for Palestine takes centre stage, and her removal from Israel's school curriculum stirs global discussion.

Oshi Saxena
New Update

(Image credits - Greta Thunberg Twitter )

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg found herself at the centre of a maelstrom of controversy when she posted her support for Palestine.


In a now-deleted tweet, Greta urged the world to demand an immediate ceasefire, justice, and freedom for Palestinians, a move that incurred the wrath of the State of Israel and prompted swift action from their Education Ministry.

Greta's Call for Ceasefire and Justice

On October 23, 2023, Greta Thunberg, a prominent advocate for climate action, made a bold statement that extended beyond her usual environmental crusade. In her post, she urged the world to "speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice, and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected."

These words shared on her social media platform, sparked both support and criticism from around the world. The young activist's call for peace and justice resonated with many, aligning with her longstanding commitment to humanitarian causes. However, it also drew sharp responses, particularly from Israel, which pointed out the complexities of the situation.

The Controversial Image: A Frowning Octopus

The controversy further intensified when Greta originally posted a photo featuring herself and three other activists holding signs with messages such as "Free Palestine," "Climate Justice Now," and "This Jew Stands With Palestine." However, it was an unexpected element in the image that fueled outrage – a blue octopus with a frowning face situated on one of the activists' legs.


Greta's decision to remove the tweet was prompted by the realisation that the octopus could be misconstrued as an antisemitic symbol. Her intention was to support the Palestinian cause and condemn violence, not to promote hatred.

The Octopus Explained: A Misunderstood Toy

Following the removal of the controversial image, Greta shared an identical photo but with a significant alteration – the absence of the frowning octopus. She clarified that the toy in the original picture was often used by autistic individuals as a means of communicating their emotions. It was a symbol of empathy rather than malice.

Israel's Response: A Complex Geo-Political Perspective


In response to Greta's renewed call for peace and justice, Israel's official Twitter account, managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a pointed reply: "@GretaThunberg, Hamas doesn’t use sustainable materials for their rockets which have BUTCHERED innocent Israelis. The victims of the Hamas massacre could have been your friends. Speak up."

This response underscores the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, with Israel emphasising the threat posed by Hamas rocket attacks and the tragic loss of innocent lives as a result. The tweet draws attention to the complexities of the situation, urging Greta to consider the full context of the conflict.

Educational Repercussions: Greta Removed from Curriculum

In the wake of this controversy, the Israeli Education Ministry made a significant decision. They announced their intention to remove references to Greta Thunberg from the educational curriculum. The ministry's rationale was rooted in its characterisation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation responsible for the deaths of numerous innocent Israelis, including children, women, and the elderly.


They also cited the abduction of over 200 individuals to Gaza by Hamas. The ministry's stance asserts that Greta's support for peace and justice disqualifies her as an educational and moral role model for Israeli students. This move raises questions about the relationship between activism and education in a politically charged environment.

The case of Greta Thunberg's social media post and Israel's response are emblematic of the complexities and sensitivities surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict. It highlights the challenges faced by individuals and activists who choose to voice their opinions on this divisive issue. As the world continues to witness the turmoil in the region, it's crucial to engage in open and informed dialogues that can potentially lead to peace, justice, and freedom for all affected parties.

Personal views expressed by the author are their own

Suggested reading: Greta Thunberg Charged By Sweden Police For Disobeying Orders

Greta thunberg Israel Gaza Conflict