
Forbes President, Moira Forbes on women in leadership

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Forbes President, Moira Forbes on women in leadership



Moira Forbes is the Forbes President and Publisher of Forbes Woman. Having worked with the best female executives and entrepreneurs from different countries, Forbes feels that the common quality they all possess is resilience. All these women have learnt to adapt according to their environments and have stood strong in the face of difficulties.


Having interviewed successful women like HP CEO Meg Whitman to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Forbes says, “Some of the world’s most powerful women will cite their setbacks, will cite their failures as the most formative experiences that have propelled their successes.” She adds that all the successful women have a common trait- they are all do-ers. They don’t just talk or plan, they go ahead act on them and have a “bias for action”- a term she heard from HP’s CEO, MegWhitman (who she believes exemplifies what it means to be a “power woman” today.)


Forbes feels, “That bias for action, I think, is critical for all leaders today. The ability to move quickly, to adapt, to learn and grow from experience, is also a critical factor.” However, she reveals that most leading women constantly worry about being perceived as “too aggressive.” To this, she adds, that most women fail to understand and acknowledge the difference between being liked and respected.



The Women's book>

The Forbes President also adds, “As a leader you have to be able to connect and engage people. You have to inspire people to follow your vision, and this goes for men and women. If you’re not connecting with people and you’re turning them off, for whatever reason, you won’t be able to lead them.” She believes that women leaders need to understand that and practice their personal leadership style in a way that doesn’t hamper their ability to lead.



Women in Leadership Sheryl Sandberg Moira Forbes Forbes Magazine The Forbes President