
Five Great Morning Hacks To Begin Your Day Well

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Five Great Morning Hacks To Begin Your Day Well

The manner in which you spend your morning reflects on how the rest of your day goes. Starting your day with a dose of positivity and a calm surrounding helps deal with the onslaught of hectic that the rest of the day brings upon you. Here are five great morning hacks to help you begin your day well.


1. Give yourself a considerable amount of no screen time

After turning the alarm off, keep the phone aside for an hour or so. It's important to resist the urge to check the updates. Our lives are centred around technology, therefore, avoiding screen time early morning can help you find calmness. Try and keep away from notifications as you wake up if you're the one who is tempted by social media updates or mounting emails.

2. Me Time

  • Making time for yourself is beneficial for your mental stability. Music certainly has a positive effect in reducing stress. Listening to music as you get ready to start your day will offer a sense of peace.
  • Don't rush through the shower to leave for work. Make time to relax and spend an extra few minutes in the shower without speeding through. This will help you get into the right frame of mind.
  • Maintaining a journal offers many health and stress management benefits. It also leads to increased self-awareness. Writing, even a little, once a day helps you feel focused, process negative emotions and solve difficulties as well. Take a few minutes to reflect and focus on your journal.


3. Workout and meditation

  • Exercising helps a great deal in getting you to spend your day well. Everyone will agree that walking is one great habit that assists in numerous health benefits. Walking is an immense stress reliever and this helps you sleep better at night eventually.
  • Yoga is a magical method of starting a day. Combining all the goodness of several stress management techniques and benefits, yoga does wonder for your body and overall health. 
  • Meditation is another aspect one should aim to include in the morning routine. Sitting in a comfortable and relaxed position and focusing on clearing your mind can aid your spiritual well-being.

4. Plan your day - Choose your priority

  • It’s vital to scan your calendar and reminders so you have a clear picture of your day ahead. It will help you decide what your most important task of the day is. Having this clarity before you leave for work sets up for a better planned day.
  • Set goals for the day and make a commitment to complete all the tasks you have been delaying.

5. Eat a good breakfast to fuel yourself

  • Breakfast is practically the most important meal of the day. There are various good reasons attached to the theory. A healthy meal in the morning balances your blood sugar levels. It boosts your metabolism and gives the sustenance needed to handle physical and mental stress.
  • Without breakfast, you will be less resilient. Have plenty of protein and fruit and soothing healthy teas, shakes or smoothies alongside. All of this will help you prepare for the day ahead.

Hitting the snooze button once in a while is not the problem. But missing out on a good morning routine can create hurdles in kick-starting your day well. So, wake up to each day that offers you a new chance to enhance your life and make every minute count.

Also Read: Five Habits You Must Practise For Long-Term Health

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