
Angela Merkel Addresses Germans, Says The Pandemic Is Serious

“Those who sit at supermarket cash registers or restock shelves are doing one of the hardest jobs there is right now.”

Vipashyana Dubey
New Update
Angela Merkel Addresses Germans, Says The Pandemic Is Serious

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, who has a reputation for not indulging in speeches, spoke to her nation on Wednesday evening. The recent threat of Covid-19 rendered Markel behind a desk in front of the camera as she addressed the seriousness of the current circumstances. “Es ist ernst,” said she as she went on to plea civilians to take the situation seriously. She even cited her intentions for making such an impromptu appearance. Merkel has said that no challenge post the Second World War has ever demanded such degree of common and united action.


Key Takeaways

  • Angela Merkel took to a television broadcast to announce the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Her speech mentioned how the government is ready and willing to provide help to those in need.
  • Merkel, who has a reputation for skipping speeches and media, delivered on the sentiments of the German in these times that require separation.
  • As cases of infections rise in Germany, the government taps the army to aid civilian professionals.

Merkel delivers a strong speech highlighting the seriousness of the threat

Her speech had direct and honest words which were underlined with fierce yet sympathetic words. Befalling on people’s expectations of what a leader should primarily say or do, Merkel explained the gravity of current circumstances and provided a sense of relief as she said that the government will help everyone in need. Her speech was not a show of robust claims, accusations or perhaps any boasts. Neither did she announce closures, national curfews or lockdowns.

Merkel addresses shared sentiments and empathy to the nation

Also, Merkel thanked the medical professionals of the nation. Further, she said that Germans need not hoard on essentials. “Those who sit at supermarket cash registers or restock shelves are doing one of the hardest jobs there is right now.” She said while remarking the unrecognized who stand brave on the front lines amidst the pandemic.


Since this is a war against an enemy that is not human, Merkel also called for the suspension of discipline and more heroic acts of kindness. She further recognized and addressed the irony in the environment. As families are bound to want to come together and endure these hard times, separation is the call of the hour.

The chancellor also said “For someone like myself, for whom freedom of travel and movement were hard-won rights, such restrictions can only be justified when they are necessary”.

Coronavirus in Germany

This week the number of infections in Germany has grown over 11,000. There also have been 28 deaths as per reports. As civilian authorities could be put under strain, Germany has also deployed its army to aid the fight against COVID-19. In an interview, the German Defence minister said that the army shall help with transportation problems. Moreover, the government is contacting the reservists and those with medical experience in particular to register.

Also read- Social Distancing May Be Worth It, But What About Its Economic Costs?

Vipashyana Dubey is an intern with ShethePeople

Coronavirus German Chancellor Angela Merkel ANGELA MERKEL