
Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In As US Supreme Court Justice

At 48, Barett is the youngest judge in the US Supreme Court.

Ria Das
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Amy Coney Barrett to he nominated as new SC judge

Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative federal appeals court judge, was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice at a White House ceremony on Tuesday. Barrett was nominated for the post by US President Donald Trump. Her appointment fills the vacancy left by late Justice Ruth Bader GinsburgAt 48, Barett is the youngest judge in the US Supreme Court.


Justice Clarence Thomas administered the official Constitutional Oath to Barrett during the swearing-in ceremony in presence of President Trump.

Also Read: Trump picks Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg at US Supreme Court

"The oath that I have solemnly taken tonight means at its core that I will do my job without any fear or favor and that I will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences," Barrett said while taking her oath, further adding that she loves the US constitution and the democratic republic that it establishes and will devote herself to preserving it.

In an unprecedented vote one week before the US presidential elections (November 3), the Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Barrett for the position. She will potentially serve on the court for decades, just being in her forties now. Barrett is the first justice confirmed with support from just one party since 1869, according to The National Journal.

Barrett says she will serve "independently"

Barrett said that she will do her job “independently” from political branches. “The Judicial Oath captures the essence of the judicial duty — the rule of law must always control,” Barrett said, also thanking President Trump, the Senate and White House aides in her speech, calling the process “rigorous."


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“It’s a privilege to be asked to serve my country in this office and I stand here tonight truly honored and humbled,” Barrett said.

Earlier, when nominated, the US President called Barrett a woman of “towering intellect” and “unyielding loyalty to the Constitution” who would rule “based solely on the fair reading of the law.”

A mother to seven children, Amy Coney Barrett is known for her conservative beliefs and anti-abortion stand. She began teaching at the University of Notre Dam at the age of 30. She lives with her husband Jesse in  South Blend, Indiana.

Image Credit: BBC

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Amy Coney Barrett Ruth Bader Ginsburg Donald Trump Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett sworn in