There is some good news for women entrepreneurs in Karnataka. The state is going to introduce its first and exclusive tech park for women at Harohalli, Kanakapura taluk, 40km from Bengaluru. the 300 acre space is being set aside exclusively for women. Officiating workers will be all women - from architects to contractors. The masterplan is an all women project who will get the park set up and running. The central government has accorded in-principle approval, identified it as a cluster for women with grants for common infrastructure. "The idea got down on paper seeing the growing availability of women entrepreneurs who started off from a rented place and are wanting to expand in future," stated K Ratna Prabha, additional chief secretary, commerce and industries department, reported by TOI.
To concise the initiative:
- The range of venturing in the area is as diverse as IT & ITeS, food processing, textiles, telecom and electronics.
- The tech park will have facilities like conference halls, restaurants, grocery shops and other useful spaces.
- The proposed investment is of around Rs 135 crore and the initiative will increase 2,800 people’s employment opportunities.
- So far, total 942 women have been allotted plots in KIADB industrial areas (Five per cent of the plots sheds in industrial areas estates developed by KIADB or KSSIDC).
- Government will initiate the idea with developing 100 acres first and the rest in a phased manner.
- A WhatsApp group for women entrepreneur associations to discuss business ideas has been created and many banks have shown interests to support them. Big companies like Ikea, Walmart and Toyota have also approached the government to participate in this project.
Since the announcement, the state government's commerce and industries department received more than 56 applications from women entrepreneurs interested in becoming part of the initiative. With this kind of enthusiastic response, the state is looking at finishing the project by November of this year. There are also plans to expand this more in the future by setting up a women’s park cluster in Mysuru, Hubballi-Dharwad, Belagavi and Ballari too.