
Is Valentine's Day Too Cheesy for You? 8 Women Talk to SheThePeople

Do we need to rethink Valentine's Day? All this red, balloons and hearts - does it make you feel kiddish? SheThePeople.TV talked to eight women about significance of V Day for them

Sanskriti Tiwari
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Roses and flowers, kisses and hugs, promises and chocolates,  love in the atmosphere, and rhythmic verses of romanticism ringing of the much needed lovey-dovey side of the youth and old alike- with all these swinging around you know its that time of the year when love becomes the talk of the town. Is Valentine's Day too cheesy for you?


Valentine's day often seen as the day of love might have evolved its meaning among the youth after travelling through time. In order to know how the young women see Valentine's day, SheThePeople.TV talked to eight women.

Why Celebrate Love On A Specific Day?

"It's cheesy and pathetic. And especially for singles like me, it's like salt in the wound. I still don't understand what was the need to specifically categorise an eventful day into something so corny and weird. Bleh!" 19-year-old Mirra retorts.

Speaking on the same line, an 18-year-old girl studying at the University of Delhi opines, "There's really no need for a specific day to celebrate love. I feel we should do it every day! And by love I mean - all kinds of love!!"

18-year-old Stuti Singh tells SheThePeople.TV, "I have a contradictory opinion on it. I think it's weird to showcase all your love and care on just one specified day. I mean what about the whole year!? but then I find that people at least have this one day for cliche gestures and aww moments. it's one day full of love and life and people should enjoy it. it's not a big deal, so in case people forget about it, don't kill them."

Let's Cherish Love Around, Including Self-Love


"Valentine's day is not only about couples celebrating their love. For me, it's a day when we cherish everything and everyone that we love, the people who are there for us in our hard times. Though valentine literally means beloved but are not we beloved of ourselves only. It's the day to cherish self-love too. In short, it's a day to celebrate love whether it's intimate or self," stated 19-year-old Astha Gupta.

19-year-old Poorvi Narayan notes, "For me Valentine day is what we called a call for reminding your love for loved ones. They can be anyone your friends and family members or your partners. So smiling out with them in open- ness without any uncertainty, sharing your thoughts and likes. That's a V- Day for me."

18-year-old Veronica Rawat blurts,"Valentine's day for me isn't just the "special couple day" the love, the special feelings could be for anyone, they may be our parents, brother, sister or friends. To talk practically, society made valentine's week as something between "couples" or "girlfriend-boyfriend" but the feelings could be expressed and confessed to anyone and it could be for anyone. And on this day I would like to confess to my parents that they are my valentine and tell them how much I love them!"

Propelling Love Through Materialistic Gifts?

"As far as my perception is concerned, valentine's day, following its long trail comprising hug day, kiss day and so forth, is pretty much hyped up. A couple doesn't really need an official day to celebrate their love. They can do it any day anyway! To admit their love through the means of materialistic gifts and all shows that the significant other is in love with such gifts and not the person," vociferated Poorvi Bhatnagar,20.

"Valentine's Day may mean multiple things to people, but at the end of the day you get a gateway to celebrate one of the most cherished emotion i.e. LOVE. Celebrate on a day or throughout the year it is up to individual choices. Days are just a reminder to the emotions which are often lost amidst life's different commitments. Enjoying what you have in hand is the only definition of Valentine's Day or any other day," opines the writer of the article.


Valentine's Day