
Must Follow Etiquette For Casual Sex : Knew These?

How does the hookup etiquette work?

Anjali Lavania
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Casual sex was once frowned upon, but the hookup culture has since become mainstream. To be blunt, sex, like food and shelter, is a basic human requirement. Even if it's just a hookup or a one-night stand, as mature adults, we should treat ourselves and our partners with respect.

Looking at the present scenario of the hook-up culture,  we all need a hookup etiquette manual. Casual sex is fine, but what about unspoken rules, etiquette, and manners? No one remembers to tell us that.  Here is the list of dos and don'ts after being in a similar and perplexing situation. The Nine important etiquettes that should be followed for having casual sex will help you to figure out what you should do before and after sex and how to keep things casual.

1. Consent is important

Asking for consent should be the priority, whether it's for a one-night stand, a no-strings-attached relationship, or friends with benefits. If something doesn't feel right, respect yourself and your partner enough to call it off. There should not be any hookup without consent.

2. Respect is a must

Your hookup partner has the same right to be treated with respect as any other house guest. When they enter the room, don't rush them into it. Always treat your partner with respect, keep your home clean, and make an effort to put them at ease. Remember to provide them with fresh bed sheets, extra bedsheets, and towels in addition to water and refreshments.

3. Have a healthy conversation


Discuss your ground rules if this is a regular hookup. Discuss your personal desires, as well as your health and history with sexuality. Hooking up etiquette does not prevent you from communicating with your partner and informing them of your desires and dislikes.

4. Don’t be in a hurry to leave after sex

Inquire if your partner would like some cuddles or if you could spend the night with them. According to the hookup etiquettes handbook, that is the absolute last thing you should do. Don’t be in a hurry to leave after sex.

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5. Orgasm is important for both gender, please keep in mind

Make sure you both enjoy a good orgasm. Think beyond your own satisfaction when it comes to sex. Make sure you provide orgasm to your partner as well. That's how it works with hookup etiquette.

6. Do not forget protections

Keep lube, protection, and contraception on hand, boys and girls. You shouldn't rely on the other person all of the time. While I believe that men should be responsible for condoms, I also believe that women should have some on hand. You don't want to use the one he's had in his wallet for who knows how long. Also, lubricant, because you never know when you're going to need it. When there isn't enough lubrication, round two isn't always fun.

7. Let your partner use the washroom first

There are some basic bathroom etiquette rules to follow when hooking up. Don't just go to the restroom and leave your partner behind. When they come to your house, always offer to let them use the bathroom first and get them a new towel. Respect should be given every time.


8. Have all the awkward conversations before sex

Never, ever claim that you aren't looking for anything serious after sex. That conversation can wait until after you've hooked up. It's not only insensitive but also disrespectful, to bring that up just after you've had casual sex.

9. Having emotions don’t mean that you are not nice

While one-sided attachments should be avoided, there's nothing wrong with being polite and respectful. Do not be emotionally available for someone. It’s important for your mental health. Don’t be an overthinker and don’t stalk them on social media. Always be nice and text your partner, that you enjoyed the time.  It's just a thoughtful gesture after casual sex.

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Important Sexual Etiquettes casual sex