
How Sarpanch Geeta Mahanand's Mission Transforms Her Panchayat

Among her many pursuits, Geeta Mahanand leaves no stone unturned in enlightening young girls about menstruation and ensuring access to proper sanitation. As a Sarpanch in Durg, Chhattisgarh, Mahanand is now fetching new ways to further her endeavour.

Priya Prakash
New Update
Geeta Mahanand

Geeta Mahanand

Chhattisgarh's Geeta Mahanand represents dynamic leadership qualities; she stands tall and strong as the Sarpanch of Risama Panchayat in Durg District, Chattisgarh. Her journey is an inspiring saga of transforming her panchayat into a haven of child-friendly vibrancy and impeccable cleanliness.

Selected as one of the distinguished nine Sarpanches from across the nation for the prestigious Sarpanch Samwad initiative, Mahanand's unwavering commitment sets a precedent for all.

A conversation with SheThePeople revealed a significant shift brought about by Mahanand's presence as a female Sarpanch. At the heart of her mission lies a resolute dedication to fostering a woman-friendly atmosphere within her panchayat. With boundless passion, Mahanand's endeavours echo beyond the realm of governance; they reverberate as a testament to the potential of empowered leadership to shape futures.

The assembly halls and meetings in her district are now graced by the voices of women, empowered by a shared camaraderie with Mahanand. It's her empathetic leadership that bridges the gap, making them feel heard and understood. 

Geeta Mahanand's Journey

Mahanand's journey finds its cornerstone in the unwavering support of her husband. "His mentorship and guidance have been the cornerstone of my rise, underscoring the importance of collaborative growth within families. In a society where the roles of women are often confined, my family empowering me shows the power of collective progress," she tells SheThePeople.

With a tireless spirit, Mahanand champions women's hygiene, crafting a nurturing environment where dignity and health intertwine. Her visionary approach extends beyond, offering opportunities that liberate women from dependence and foster a sense of self-sufficiency and empowerment. 


She now paves the way for a woman-friendly panchayat. "This endeavour has far-reaching implications, safeguarding the well-being and future prospects of the village's young girls and women. I am leaving no stone unturned in enlightening young girls about menstruation and ensuring they have access to proper sanitation; only then will things change."

Mahanand's dedication goes beyond the surface, as she extends her impact to all youngsters, irrespective of gender, through the platform of Baal Sabha. Here, she delicately imparts vital knowledge about the changes their bodies undergo during adolescence, emphasising the significance of understanding these transformations for their holistic development. While met with initial hesitance, her unwavering commitment has gradually broken down barriers, fostering a safe space for dialogue. As time unfolds, the hesitant voices give way to attentive ears, a testament to her profound influence in nurturing an informed and empowered generation.

She recently participated in a session titled 'The Citizen View: Experiencing Governance with the Citizen’s Roundtable' during the India Rural Colloquy in Delhi, where SheThePeople significantly met with women changemakers from across the country. The India Rural Colloquy 2023, organised by grassroots NGO Transform Rural India (TRI), prioritises the voices and perspectives of individuals at all levels, fostering dialogue between government, business, and local communities.

women in panchayat Women sarpanchs Female Sarpanch Geeta Mahanand