
Panch Laxmi Khanna: Transforming Governance with Dedication

In conversation with SheThePeople, Khanna shared how she navigated a society ingrained with traditional norms and expectations, and what challenges she faced in redefining the role of a Panch

Priya Prakash
New Update
Laxmi Suresh Khanna
Laxmi Suresh Khanna, a woman of strength and determination, hails from the quaint village of Nandgaon in Madhya Pradesh. In a male-dominated sector of politics, Khanna emerged as a transformative figure, breaking down barriers and carving a path towards gender equality and empowerment in her community. 

In a landscape where political leadership has traditionally been associated with men, Laxmi Suresh Khanna shattered stereotypes by creating a political identity that would inspire and empower women in her village. Along with ten other dedicated women, Laxmi embarked on a journey to establish herself as a formidable force in the Gram Panchayat. This journey was no easy feat, as she encountered resistance from a community accustomed to male leadership.

In conversation with SheThePeople, Khanna shared how she navigated a society ingrained with traditional norms and expectations, and what challenges she faced in redefining the role of a Panch.

Panch Laxmi Khanna: Transforming Leadership with Dedication

She remarked, "The perception of women in leadership roles was undergoing a transformation, yet the shift towards a governance focused on women was an ongoing process." She shared that initially, people were sceptical about the team's capabilities, but their doubts began to dissipate as they witnessed tangible results from their efforts. Over time, the village, with a population of around 2000, wholeheartedly embraced participation in the panchayat meetings.

She went on to mention that her support extended beyond her family and now encompassed the entire village. Khanna deeply engaged herself in comprehending the intricate operations of the Gramme Panchayat and the standing committee, becoming proficient in GPDP procedures and monitoring mechanisms. Among her notable accomplishments was rallying women from her community to actively engage in Gram Sabha gatherings.

In conclusion, Khanna affirmed, "The determination to achieve something is not unique to me alone, it resides in every woman. When a woman decides to pursue a goal, she does so with unwavering dedication and persists until she attains success." Her commitment to comprehensive progress and an enhanced quality of life for all remains unwavering.


She recently participated in a session titled 'The Citizen View: Experiencing Governance with the Citizen’s Roundtable' during the India Rural Colloquy in Delhi, where SheThePeople significantly met with women changemakers from across the country.  

SheThePeople joined hands with TRI to bring these stories to the forefront. 

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