
Indian Teen Prodigy Pranjali Awasthi's Rs 100 Cr AI Startup Journey

16-year-old Indian prodigy, Pranjali Awasthi, founded Delv.AI in 2022, now valued at Rs 100 crore. Learn how she raised $450,000 in funding and achieved remarkable success in the tech world

Oshi Saxena
New Update
Pranjal Awasthi

(Credits - Pranjali Awasthi Linkedln )

Pranjali Awasthi, a 16-year-old Indian prodigy, has taken the tech industry by storm with her groundbreaking AI startup, Delv.AI. During the Miami Tech Week event, Awasthi unveiled her brainchild, disclosing that she founded the company in January 2022 and remarkably secured approximately $450,000 (Rs 3.7 crore) in funding.


What sets Delv.AI apart is not only its remarkable success but also the young genius behind it.

A Tech Prodigy's Early Beginnings

Pranjali Awasthi's fascination with technology ignited at an early age, nurtured by her engineer father's passion for promoting computer science education in schools. This encouragement sparked a fire within her, leading her to embark on her coding journey at the tender age of seven. Little did anyone know that this would lay the foundation for her extraordinary trajectory in the world of artificial intelligence.

When her family relocated to Florida when she was just 11, new doors of opportunity swung open. These opportunities granted her access to computer science classes and competitive math programs, fueling her thirst for knowledge. However, it was her internship at the research labs of Florida International University at the age of 13 that truly set the stage for her entrepreneurial adventure.

A significant milestone in her journey occurred when Pranjali joined an  AI startup accelerator in Miami, led by Lucy Guo and Dave Fontenot of Backend Capital. Her acceptance into the program symbolised her unwavering commitment to pursuing her dreams, even if it meant temporarily putting her high school education on hold. The beta launch of Delv.AI on Product Hunt, a platform facilitating the sharing of software for free, garnered exceptional success, setting the stage for her startup's rapid rise.

Delv.AI's Mission


Pranjali Awasthi explains that Delv.AI's primary objective is to aid researchers in efficiently accessing specific information within the ever-expanding realm of online content. This is a pressing need in today's digital age, and Delv.AI aims to make this process more streamlined and effective.

The accelerator program played a pivotal role in helping Awasthi secure investments from On Deck and Village Global, leading to the company's impressive fundraising total of $450,000 (approximately Rs 3.7 crore) and a current valuation of around $12 million (Rs 100 crore).

Balancing Education and Entrepreneurship

While education remains a fundamental value in the eyes of Awasthi's Indian parents, she has chosen to defer her college plans for the time being, prioritising her responsibilities and unwavering passion for her company. Awasthi envisions returning to higher education in the future to acquire business skills that will further enhance her entrepreneurial journey. At the helm of a small yet dynamic team, Awasthi oversees various facets of Delv.AI, from coding to operations and customer service.

Awasthi's journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Her innovative spirit, combined with her unwavering dedication, has propelled her and Delv.AI to great heights in the tech world.

As she continues to bridge the gap in information access and expand the horizons of AI, it's clear that her future is bound to be as bright as her remarkable journey so far. We can only wait in anticipation to witness the next chapter in this incredible story of a young visionary who is changing the world, one line of code at a time.


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AI Pranjali Awasthi women in STEM