
Healthy Ageing: Maintain Physical, Cognitive Health As You Grow Older

As we age, the desire to maintain not just our external features like skin texture and hair volume, but also proper health like physical and cognitive vitality is increasingly imperative.

Dr Mikki Singh
New Update
Physical Health Influences Mental Health

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As we age, the desire to maintain not just our external features like skin texture and hair volume, but also proper health like physical and cognitive vitality is increasingly imperative.


For a more holistic view of ageing healthily, a few steps to follow include:

Protect and Nourish Your Skin

Skin, being the largest organ, bears the brunt of external aggressors like the sun, pollution, and changing climates. Over time, these factors can lead to premature ageing, sunspots, wrinkles, and melasma.

Sunscreen is Your Best Friend: UV radiation accelerates skin ageing. Regular application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 can shield the skin from harmful rays, preventing fine lines, sunspots, and the risk of skin cancer.

Moisturise Religiously: As we age, our skin loses its natural hydration, leading to dryness and accentuation of wrinkles. An excellent moisturising routine helps maintain skin’s elasticity and provides a barrier against pollutants.

Mindful Nutrition


What you eat directly impacts your skin and overall health. A diet rich in antioxidants fights off free radicals – unstable molecules that damage our skin and internal organs.

Also, a balanced intake of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains not only provides comprehensive nutrition but also supports cognitive health. 

Stay Active

Regular exercise boosts blood circulation, ensuring nutrients reach every corner of the body, including the skin. This increased blood flow imparts a youthful glow, accelerates wound healing, and helps in toxin elimination. Additionally, exercise plays a crucial role in brain health. Activities like walking, dancing, or yoga have been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Regular check-ups

It is highly recommended to schedule regular check-ups with all required doctors for connected care. This helps in detecting any potential issues early on and ensures timely intervention. Skin evaluations during these check-ups can help identify suspicious moles or any changes that might indicate skin cancer. On the other hand, general check-ups help monitor your heart health, cholesterol levels, and other vital parameters.


Prioritise Mental Well-being

Mental health and skin health are intertwined. Conditions like anxiety or depression can manifest as skin issues. Hence, practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even therapy can benefit both your mind and skin.

Authored by Dr Mikki Singh, Head dermatologist at Body Craft Clinic Bangalore

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physical health healthy ageing cognitive health