Are you struggling to get pregnant? Do you want to know the best time to get pregnant? Well, we have just got the right advice for you from a professional.
Right from ovulation to pregnancy, women have many questions about the timing of everything. SheThePeople's got Dr Sudeshna Ray to talk about what is the best time to get pregnant. Dr Ray is professional obstetrician ad gynaecologist, so ladies take these very useful tips seriously. She says the day when the couple must have intercourse to conceive is between the 11th to 15th day of a regular period cycle. This regular cycle must be of about 26-28 days.
Women have two grape-like organs called the ovaries. Both are situated on either side of the uterus.
These ovaries carry mini eggs that further mature up and bind with the sperm to make a baby.
Each month, one of the ovaries matures an egg and releases it into the Fallopian tube.
This release date is known as ovulation.
The egg then waits for the sperms in the tube or if the intercourse has already happened 1 or 2 days before the ovulation, then the egg directly meets the sperms.
After the fertilisation, the egg moves into the uterus and gets hooked to the inner walls, and grows ahead.
This is when the pregnancy test turns positive.
Factors important for pregnancy
Open fallopian tube
A good lining of the womb
Quality and quantity of sperms
Best Time to Get Pregnant
The day when the couple must have intercourse to conceive is between the 11th to 15th day of a regular period cycle. This regular cycle must be of about 26-28 days.
How do I know that I am ovulating?
A little pain around the lower tummy.
A little pain on one side of the leg.
Tender, fuller, or painful breasts.
High sexual drive
Rise in Basal Body Temperature
Watery, stretchy mucus discharge - Most fertile
Ovulation Kits
Further, your chances of conceiving depend on a number of factors ranging from the regularity of periods, stress, and infections. Ovulation can also be tracked by sonography.
Usually, fertile couples are very easily able to conceive and track ovulation using globally available period tracking apps. These work on the algorithm that predicts ovulation on the basis of the cycle length, vaginal fluids, etc. All that the women have to do is log their periods from time to time. Some apps also have options to log activities, moods, travels, vaginal fluids, and breast conditions.