Add Raw Mango to Diet In Summertime: Also known as Kachchi Kairi, must be entrenched in everyone's memories. Apart from nostalgia, shouldn't we dive and explore the health benefits of adding it in summertime?
Mango has attracted a cult following among health nuts who believe that eating mangoes is beneficial for health. Raw Mangoes are the epitome of summer indulgence. Besides this, the bright yellow fruit is called the "King of Fruits," which nobody can resist the craving for. One shouldn't ignore the benefits of eating mango, so here are 7 reasons for incorporating raw mango in your diet:
Dietary Fibre
Mangoes are fat-free, so you can eat them even though you're on a diet, as long as you eat them in small portions and don't overeat them. A serving of ripe mango pulp contains only 60 calories per 100 gm. As a result, you can eat raw mango pulp as long as you keep your portions small. Mangoes are high in dietary fibre, which aids digestion, but when consumed in abundance, they can cause digestive problems.
Improves Digestion
Mangoes contain enzymes that aid in the breakdown of protein in the body. The pulpy fruit, which is high in fibre, helps digestion and protects against several stomach ailments. Therefore, raw mangoes can be taken in the morning to combat morning sickness, constipation, diarrhoea, persistent dyspepsia, and indigestion.
Keeps Body Cool
Living in a tropical country like India encourages us to partake in delightful thirst quenchers made from our favourite fruits, with raw mango taking first place. In the summer, Aam Panna, a cold drink made with raw mangoes, is prepared across the country to keep the body cool and prevent heatstroke.
As Healthy Salad
Another way of adding raw mango to your diet list can be a simple and delicious mango salad. This salad is a great combination of sweet, spicy, and sour flavours, made with healthy ingredients including raw mango, onions, chilli, mint, lettuce, and sugar.
Energy Booster
A pinch of raw mango powder in the afternoon will help you avoid the drowsiness that often follows a meal. This is because raw mango gives your body an energy boost, helping you to wake up and perform better.
Add-In Your Snacks List
Instead of eating it with lunch, enjoy a cup of ripe mango pulp as a healthy snack. Mangoes are high in dietary fibre and make a great snack. So, as an evening snack, go ahead and grab a cup of juicy pulp.
Amchur As Remedy
Raw mango powder, or amchur, is considered to be an effective remedy for scurvy that is characterised by bleeding gums, rashes, bruising, weakness, and fatigue. This is because raw mango is high in vitamin C, which causes scurvy if you don't get enough of it. The same vitamin helps to maintain blood vessel elasticity and aids in the formation of red blood cells.