
Will New Endometriosis Drug Trial Change The Overlooked Condition?

George Institute's study with the Indian Council of Medical Research and Oxford University unveils that nearly 43 million Indian women endure severe, life-altering pain from the overlooked women's health issue endometriosis which is often dismissed as 'period pain.'

Ishika Thanvi
New Update
period pain

Image: Shutterstock

A recent qualitative study conducted by The George Institute for Global Health India, in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research and the University of Oxford, sheds light on the urgent need to prioritize endometriosis as a significant women's health issue in India. Dismissed as mere 'period pain,' the study reveals that nearly 43 million women in India are grappling with the severe and life-impacting pain associated with endometriosis.


Integrating Endometriosis into Healthcare Policies

The study advocates for a paradigm shift in acknowledging endometriosis within the central government's health policies. Recognizing the substantial impact on the lives of women and their partners, researchers emphasize the inclusion of endometriosis management in the flagship health insurance scheme. The study proposes the formulation of national guidelines for early diagnosis, urging the integration of endometriosis into the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health Programme.

Economic Impact

Highlighting the profound economic burden of endometriosis, the study calls for comprehensive research to assess the financial impact. By understanding the economic implications, policymakers can consider incorporating endometriosis into centrally sponsored health insurance schemes, such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY). This move aims to alleviate financial barriers and ensure accessible healthcare for those affected.

Amy Schumer Opens Up: A Celebrity Voice Amplifying Endometriosis Awareness

In a noteworthy revelation, actor and comedian Amy Schumer shares her experience with endometriosis, bringing attention to the autoimmune disease. Schumer's openness about the condition not only sparks dialogue but highlights the importance of raising awareness about endometriosis, encouraging women to educate themselves about its impact on health and well-being.


UK Hospital Launches Groundbreaking Endometriosis Drug Trial

A groundbreaking development unfolds in the United Kingdom as the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital initiates a "world-first" endometriosis drug trial. Focused on a non-hormonal approach, the study aims to assess the safety and effectiveness of an antibody designed to alleviate inflammation and symptoms associated with endometriosis. This pioneering research could pave the way for innovative methods of managing and treating the condition, offering hope to one in 10 women in the UK affected by endometriosis.

The collective efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and influential voices are crucial in amplifying the recognition of endometriosis as a pressing women's health issue. The studies and initiatives discussed underscore the need for immediate action, from policy reform to innovative treatments, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by endometriosis.


Amy Schumer First Drug Trial endometriosis Menstrual health awareness healthcare