
Add These to Your Diet : Foods That Help You Build Calf Muscles

Bran is the hard outer layer of whole cereal grains and is packed with healthy doses of protein. That and what else should you add to your diet?

Pratiksha Dixit
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Add These to Your Diet : Foods That Help You Build Calf Muscles

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are constantly looking for ways to build and strengthen their leg muscles. Our main focus being quads, glutes, and hamstrings. As a result, our calf muscles are often ignored. 


Calf muscles play an important role in walking and running, and contributing to your pace and stride length. If you have strong muscles, you are bound to have an advantage in many sports including volleyball and basketball.

To build muscle size in any part of the body, you are required to consume a diet rich in protein. Protein helps muscles to get bigger and stronger. To build calf muscles, include lean proteins such as fish, beans, and poultry in your diet. And eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and whole grains. 

The following meals can help you build strong calf muscles when combined with a good lower-body training regimen:

Tuna Salad Sandwich

Tuna fish is an excellent source of protein. A healthy tuna salad can be made by limiting the amount of mayonnaise in the recipe. Make it with whole wheat bread to gain a good amount of complex carbs. Sandwich sides can include carrots and apples to give your meal a healthy dose of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals as well.

Calf Muscles are often ignored and deserve special attention while building your strength. Here's what you can add to your diet


Egg White Omelet

Researchers have found that both whole eggs and egg whites led to 60-70 percent of their amino acid content being available in the blood to create new muscle. Egg whites are also packed with protein and they are good sources of fats and carbs. Make a power breakfast in the morning by sautéing egg whites with veggies in olive oil. Eat it with whole wheat toasts on the side with a glass of orange juice for a Vitamin C boost. 

Grilled Chicken with Salad

Chicken is a lean and delicious meat many enjoy across the world in different forms. It is especially popular among fitness enthusiasts because it is a great source of protein. Lean white chicken breast is excellent for leg muscles. It provides protein without the fat of dark meat. After intense workouts, your body needs to recover. So, eat salad greens, and vegetables to gain energy after training sessions.

Bran Cereal With Skim Milk

Bran is the hard outer layer of whole cereal grains such as wheat, oats, rice, and corn, that is packed with healthy doses of protein, fibre, iron, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and other nutrients, including B-vitamins. It is a great source of complex carbohydrates that power your day. You can eat bran cereal with skim milk for a wholesome protein-rich diet. Add Flaxseed for heart-healthy fats.


Grilled Salmon with Rice and Vegetables

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database, Salmon is a great source of protein. It also contains omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats.

Vegetables and brown rice can be combined with salmon fish to make a healthy diet to build leg muscles. They provide the carbohydrates needed to sustain energy throughout training, plus antioxidants to recover.

leg muscles fitness