Dalljiet Kaur recently took to Instagram to share that she filed an FIR against her estranged husband, Nikhil Patel, amid allegations of an extramarital affair. The Kenya-based businessman has been in the spotlight following threats of legal action over what he deemed as 'cheap' social media posts by Dalljiet, which hinted at infidelity.
Dalljiet Kaur Files FIR Against Husband In Mumbai Amid Cheating Claims
In her Instagram post on August 4, Dalljiet expressed gratitude to the Mumbai Police for their support during this challenging time. She specifically thanked Joint Commissioner of Police Anil Paraskar and the AGRIPADA Police Station for their efficiency and kindness. Dalljiet highlighted how their prompt and empathetic response gave her confidence that her concerns were being taken seriously and that she felt safe.
Dalljiet recently posted and then deleted a heartfelt birthday note to her estranged husband, Kenya-based businessman Nikhil Patel, on Instagram. The post included a series of photos featuring herself, her son Jaydon, and Nikhil. One image showed Nikhil in a bathtub, followed by pictures of Dalljiet's engagement ring, her mehendi, and several wedding slides. In the caption, Dalljiet reminisced about a surprise birthday celebration she organised for Nikhil in London, expressing her deep emotions and sorrow over their strained relationship.
She wrote, "Last year, I hosted a surprise dinner for you in London. It was exhilarating to be introduced as your wife. Today, tears stream down my face as I wish you a happy birthday, Nikhil Patel. People say I should begin healing, but you keep reopening my wounds."
Dalljiet Kaur Heartbroken As Nikhil Patel Arrives In Mumbai With New GF
Dalljiet also detailed the emotional pain Nikhil caused her, mentioning how he sent her belongings to storage prematurely and erased sentimental items. She added, "Jaydon still calls youPapaa. It's a shame I have to teach my 10-year-old to unlearn that emotion."
Their marriage ended amid allegations of infidelity on Nikhil's part. He was recently seen at Mumbai airport with his girlfriend, Safeena Nazar. Dalljiet shared this report, along with an emotional note, accusing Nikhil of marrying her for fame.
Dalljiet Kaur’s Cryptic Instagram Stories
In her Instagram stories on May 25, Dalljiet reshared a story from Nikhil Patel and wrote, "YOU ARE OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA WITH HER NOW EVERYDAY, SHAMELESSLY YOUR WIFE AND SON CAME BACK IN 10 MONTHS OF THE WEDDING. THE ENTIRE FAMILY IS HUMILIATED. SOME DIGNITY FOR THE KIDS WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD!" She added, "At least you should have left your wife with a little dignity publicly, as I was quiet about a lot of other things too."
Before this, Dalljiet posted a reel with a caption saying, “She chooses her silence for the sake of her kids. While her family holds her tight so as not to let her fall, She waits. Hey, SN, do you have a kid too?” She also started a poll on her Instagram stories, asking her fans, “What’s your thought on extramarital affairs?" She urged everyone to share their thoughts about who should be blamed for an extramarital affair, offering three options: the girl, the husband, or the wife.
Speculation surrounding "SN," mentioned multiple times in her stories and reels, seems to refer to a woman with the initials SN. However, these are just Reddit discussions, and there is no official verification.
What's going on. I feel bad for Dalljiet. She seems like a nice person and to go through this the second time must feel devastating
byu/Kajukatlee inInstaCelebsGossip
History of Dalljiet Kaur and Nikhil Patel's Relationship
Rumours of their separation first made headlines in February this year after the actor shocked everyone by deleting all her wedding pictures from her Instagram handle. Not only this, but she also dropped "Patel" from her name.
A report by ETimes later claimed that Dalljiet and Nikhil started facing problems soon after their marriage and realised that they were "incompatible." "Initially, everything seemed fine in their marriage, but it was short-lived. Problems cropped up between the couple soon after. Dalljiet and Nikhil realised they were incompatible. The situation has worsened in the last two months. If problems persist, separation might be the only option," the entertainment portal reported.
While the actor has refrained from clarifying the divorce rumours, her team issued a statement requesting everyone to respect their privacy. "I hereby state that Dalljiet and Jaydon (her son) are in India currently for Dalljiet’s dad’s surgery followed by her mom’s surgery as well, which required them to be beside them. In addition to this, I would only like to say that Dalljiet, at the moment, would not like to make any comments on anything because the kids are in the picture. Please respect her kids’ privacy, and please consider this the only statement she would like to give out," the statement read.
Nikhil Patel Confirms Separation from Dalljiet Kaur After a Year of Marriage, Addresses Cheating Allegations
Earlier, Nikhil Patel addressed the allegations surrounding his separation from Dalljiet, sharing his perspective in an interview with ETimes. Patel confirmed that they have indeed separated, explaining that their marriage fell apart when Dalljiet left Kenya with her son Jaydon and returned to India in January. He admitted that they realised their "blended family's foundation" wasn't as strong as they had hoped, making it challenging for Dalljiet to settle in Kenya.
Patel elaborated that although they had an Indian wedding ceremony in Mumbai in March 2023, it was "culturally significant" but not "legally binding." Despite their efforts, Dalljiet struggled to adapt to life in Kenya and missed her television career and life in India. As the complexities of their family dynamics became more apparent, the differences between them grew. Cultural clashes and differing values further strained their relationship. For Patel, who has two daughters from a previous marriage, Dalljiet's departure marked the end of their relationship, prompting him to adopt a positive outlook and move forward.
Patel also mentioned that Dalljiet has expressed a desire to "return to his life" and has been crossing boundaries. Her recent posts have been misinterpreted, causing undue harassment to family and friends who are uninvolved. He wished Dalljiet "all the best" and hoped they could both move forward positively.
Dalljiet Kaur married Nikhil Patel on March 10, 2023. They tied the knot in the presence of their family members and close friends. This was Dalljiet’s second marriage. She was previously married to Shalin Bhanot, but the two parted ways in 2015 after the actor accused him of domestic violence.