
Stop Cyberbullying, Safer Internet For Women

Himanshu Sharma
New Update
Make Internet Positive

What is the internet? A global computer network which provides a variety of information and communication facilities. The internet is an amazing place for all those who want to positively explore new things and want to learn something interesting. But this only is the positive meaning of the Internet. We are now connected to the internet like neurons in a giant brain. Is internet really safe for all of us? Has it made our lives that easier as we think?


People receive threatening messages through the internet, people fear for their privacy because of hackers. We all need to take steps and abolish such negativity from the internet.

Digital Trust Dialogues by SheThePeople and Google

How can we create a better internet for ourselves and the next generation?

We need to overcome problems like internet bullying and trolling. Making a safer internet is the answer to thriving on it because there is no escape. We are in the digital age and this is going to be a great driver of growth and jobs. What’s important is we recognize the challenges the internet and the dark web poses and at the same time, find tools and ways to stay the course so far as safety goes.

As per the Indian laws and norms, the Indian government has already banned adult sites and restricted the age of adult video content. Cybercrime department is already working towards harassment and cyberstalking. Where we are continuing to face challenges is how this infrastructure is not regulated, and instead is providing a thriving space without bans. Another big issue is cyberbullying.

Here’s what I think we should and can do:

  1. Do not put your life history and important information out on the net.
  2. Never let anyone use your account or personal information.
  3. Keep up with changing privacy tools and read all terms and conditions. It takes some time but might be worth it.
  4. Women are much more vulnerable to cyber harassment. Most social media platforms allow you to block people and help you make the first cut off.
  5. There is an opportunity for us to report inappropriate content, cyberbullying and more.

Also Read: Cyberbullying in India: How do you counter this with solid measures?

Himanshu Sharma a student of ARCH College of design and this effort is a part of Google India and SheThePeople initiative Digital Trust Dialogues across colleges in India.

google safe internet Shethepeople Digital Trust Dialogue