As per singer Momina Mustehsan #MeToo needs a response #ImSorry from offenders, as nothing will change without an apology. Addressing the recent controversy around allegations of sexual harassment against Ali Zafar, the young Pakistani singer released a statement on Twitter, which asks people to think about the issue from a woman’s point of view.
#MeToo needs a response #ImSorry from the offenders. Nothing will change until they acknowledge, take responsibility and make amends. pic.twitter.com/sphI1c1agT
— Momina Mustehsan (@MominaMustehsan) April 20, 2018
Mustehsan states that men need to acknowledge their fault. They need to apologize unconditionally, learn from their mistakes.
While men are fervently defending their character by either shaming victims or using their families as their character certificate, maybe it’s time that we ask them to stop beating around the bush, come clean and seek for forgiveness. Momina's call for #ImSorry can only mean something when the remorse is heartfelt and there is a will to change. Men need to own up to their mistakes and understand where they went wrong. Women are not out to seek revenge. They are not out to impale those who touch them without their consent.
We are out to challenge the momentum of sexual abuse in our world and direct it to be an equal society.
For this, it is essential that men let go of their arrogance and accept if they have wronged. Their denial to accept their mistakes is not only humiliating to their victims, but it also pushes them on the path of continuing abusive behaviour.
Many argue that men stand to lose a lot if they accept such accusations. Their reputation, career and family life all stand to be destroyed. But who is to say what a woman loses when men keep all that they have struggled to earn at bay, and resort to predatory behaviour? Denial to accept mistakes makes matters worse. It shows that they are unwilling to change. That they would rather resort to victim shaming, or threat with legal actions than own up to their mistakes and correct their behaviour.
Accepting that you have made mistakes and resolving to work on correcting your behaviour shows your true character.
It shows that you actually understand the hurt you have caused by taking the dignity and consent of a woman for granted. If one finds the courage within to admit that they had made a mistake, then there is a chance for redemption.
Picture Credit : Twitter
Also Read : Ali Zafar Uses “Family Man” Image to Deflect Meesha Shafi’s Allegation
Yamini Pustake Bhalerao is a writer with the SheThePeople team, in the Opinions section. The views expressed are author’s own.