
Drake Kissing Minor Girl: When Celebrity Conduct Borders On Creepy

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao
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An old video showing Drake kissing a minor girl during a concert has resurfaced on Twitter, sparking a lot of criticism. Many have called out the rapper for continuing to fondle and kiss the 17-year-old fan, despite knowing that she is a minor. The video shows Drake with a female fan on stage, adjusting her shirt, kissing her neck and even caressing her breasts. Then he proceeds to ask how old she is. When she tells him that she is 17, he jokingly says, “I can’t go to jail yet, man!” amidst loud roars. This is where the interaction should’ve stopped. Drake could have apologised and sent the girl off stage courteously. But it doesn’t.



  • An old video of Drake kissing and fondling a minor girl has resurfaced on Twitter. 
  • The rapper can be seen kissing the 17-year-old fan on the lips despite knowing how old she is.
  • Many celebs feel entitled to toxic behaviour and touching or kissing young fans, because fans are okay with it.
  • But they need to respect moral and legal boundaries when interacting with fans, instead of getting carried away by their fame. 

Drake’s behaviour is creepy, and reeks of celebrity entitlement and he has a lot of questions to answer.

What follows is a cringe-worthy exchange where the rapper tells his minor fan, “Well look, I had fun. I don’t know whether I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun. I like the way your breasts feel against my chest. I just want to thank you.” Drake then goes on to kiss her hand, her cheeks, her forehead and then her lips. Despite knowing that she is a minor, he compliments her on her breasts and kisses her on her lips. While many fans may have found it okay some years ago, those who are watching it today do find it disturbing. Drake’s behaviour is creepy, and reeks of celebrity entitlement and he has a lot of questions to answer.

While the rapper looks flummoxed when the girl tells him how old she is, why did he still go ahead to plant a peck on her lips? Why did he think it was okay to complement a minor on her breasts? Also, Drake jokes about how he doesn’t want to go to jail. Is minor abuse a joke to him? Does he think inappropriately touching a minor girl is a trivial offence? The audience too can be clearly heard applauding and encouraging his disturbing behaviour. Which shows us why so many celebs feel entitled to toxic behaviour.

Would Drake go around touching teen girls if he was not a celebrity? Moreover, would people ignore such behaviour was he a commoner?


Just last year, singer Katy Perry came under fire for kissing a 19-year-old participant in a singing competition she was judging. If you look closely, there is a pattern here, of celebrities assuming that their behaviour is acceptable. They reckon that both their fans and those who are subjects of their inappropriate conduct would be okay with their behaviour because, well, they are celebrities and who wouldn’t want a kiss or a caress from them. But the question here is about understanding your legal and moral boundaries and not getting carried away. Does popularity obviate one's moral compass? Would Drake go around touching teen girls if he was not a celebrity? Moreover, would people ignore such behaviour was he a commoner?

Even if Drake’s fan was okay with him fondling her. She was a minor and he should have kept his hands and lips to himself, knowing that it is wrong to touch a minor in a certain way. Just because people are okay with your audacious behaviour and root and cheer for you doesn’t make it right. Just because your fans would do anything to share a frame with you, doesn’t mean that you abuse their devotion and cross your limits. Apparently, the video is quite an old one, I am glad that it is doing rounds on social media and people are demanding answers from Drake. This is a very important lesson for our celebrities that sooner or later you’ll get called out for inappropriate conduct.

Drake is a celebrity and hollering for him to continue fondling a minor girl sends such a wrong message to the youth.

This video clip though, poses a lot of questions to fans as well. The audience was hooting for Drake as he kissed the minor on her lips. Encouragement like this is known to normalise sexual transgressions. Drake is a celebrity and hollering for him to continue fondling a minor girl sends such a wrong message to the youth. It is not cool to glorify such shoddy behaviour and like Drake, those whom we can hear cheering him on, need to think about their conduct too.

Picture Credit : Complext

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Yamini Pustake Bhalerao is a writer with the SheThePeople team, in the Opinions section. The views expressed are the author’s own.

Celebrity Behaviour Drake Drake kissing minor video