
SheThePeople EDIT Room Episode 1 - Modern Dating, Apps & Gaps

Gen Z and Millenials are not just different when it comes to their working etiquette - they also define love and relationships differently. But is there a common ground? Well...

New Update

Conversations, Commotion, Connection. With The EDIT Room, SheThePeople brings to screen topics that generate endless debates and no one solution really. So, why discuss? Because it's fun, it's hatke, and it makes us talk openly about stuff that should never be swept under the rug. 


The EDIT Room: Episode One 

Gen Z and Millenials are not just different when it comes to their working etiquette - they also define love and relationships differently. But is there a common ground? Well...

In the first episode of SheThePeople's EDIT Room, we bring the two sides (of not the same coin) to the forefront and leave them to talk - no debate, pure talk. From dating trends, terms (and conditions), relationship boundaries, love, break-ups and marriage, the four women discuss all, and more. 

Modern Dating The EDIT Room Gen Z Vs Millennials Dating Trends SheThePeople Edit Room