
Students speak out on feminism - A SheThePeople discussion

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Students speak out on feminism - A SheThePeople discussion


What does Feminism mean today, in the 21st century? Can you be a man and be a feminist? Does feminism mean hating men?

SheThePeople.TV asks women in college why they identify as feminists, and what feminism actually means to them. Today everyone is aware of the term feminism, it's only there are views and there extreme views. These conversations across Delhi University are new, individual, personal and unique. But there is one common idea that resonates with every girl- Equality.

Each one agreed in our conversation that they want to be treated no less than any man and of course no differently as well.

At the other hand there were women who called feminism a cringe-worthy word. Some felt it was a symbol of bra-burning feminists only. Others said, why should a word reflect the idea of equality?

Why is it important for India to weigh in on these issues? Central to the gender rights debate is the fight for sexual and reproductive rights… a debate that intersects with other equal rights movements. Should this matter to you? Where do you stand on the key issues of equality, pay parity and access to representation? Is empowerment a catch-all phrase or does it actually stand for something concrete? And why is it that many women are shying away from the ‘F-word’?

Poorvi Gupta speaks to young women across Delhi University for their take.

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Feminism in India college girls feminism