
Not Just Kapoor & Sons: Let's Also Give Daughters The Reins Of Family Business

Ever wonder why Indian families annouce sons as successors of the family business and not daughters? Why do sabotage the abilities of daughters by stripping them of this opportunity? Trust daughters to successfully run a family business

Anshika Sharma
New Update
daughters Run Family Business
Whenever an Indian family is on the verge of moving forward their legacy, by default it goes directly to the son and daughters are not considered worthy of being a candidate, may it be about the property or the family business.

But do you ever wonder why Indian families follow this system where sons are successors in the family business and not daughters? And aren't they sabotaging the abilities of the daughters by stripping them of the opportunity?

Why can't daughters Run Family Business?

Ever since the old days, the patriarchal system has made sure that women will be given the important responsibility of raising kids and managing the family, but when it comes to letting them manage the family business, it's always a doubtful look or a big No. As if managing the family is any easier than managing a fully functional business.

If we try to understand the cause of this system, it deeply leads us to the “paraya dhan" hoax in the mind of Indian people which makes them believe that women after marriage are the property of their in-laws. And that women should be completely devoted to them, hence letting her carry forward her parent's business, stands no chance. This is also the reason for many Indians believes that investing in a daughter's education is lesser important in comparison to a son's. Due to this all the property and business responsibility goes to the sons who will carry forward their surname in the so-called society.

This mentality leads to prioritising men of the family, for they will be the ones to carry forward the legacy, which is so problematic, as women are treated as if they are not part of the family they took birth in just because they got married. The system of making men successors in the family business can be due to one more reason which is interlinked with the other one, that Indian families consider that their sons will be the ones to take care of them when they will turn old. Because according to them, their daughter's only responsibility lies towards their in-laws.


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In case there is no male heir in the family the business is given to the daughters in hope that their husbands will manage it for them. This magnifies the other misconception that women are not worthy of managing a business and that they should be completely devoted to taking care of their in-laws. It's stripping women of the opportunities to showcase their leadership skills and abilities to run a business successfully, and also steals their chance of taking care of their family and fulfilling their responsibilities of being a daughter.

With the new era coming, we must leave behind the old wrong perceptions and should start seeing both sons and daughters as equals in all matters, may that be about dividing the property or making them the successors in the family business because women are not any less capable than men.

Views expressed by author are their own

Patriarchy Women in family business Gender biasness