
“A hug that lasted forever!” Juhi Parmar's Story Every Travelling Mom Will Identify With

As a travelling mother you constantly wonder, Will my child only remember that when he was sick I was not there? Will I be able to be a good mom if I hire help? Will they love me enough if they don’t see me around?

Deepshikha Chakravarti
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Juhi Parmar Instagram Story, juhi parmar meets daughter
Juhi Parmar Instagram Story- “A hug that lasted forever!” wrote Juhi Parmar on returning home from an outdoor shoot. Nothing can compare to the feeling of squeezing your baby in your arms when you haven’t seen them for a while. And she stayed away from her daughter for two whole months in mid of a full-blown pandemic. These are some of the trade-offs and compromises of motherhood and balancing a full-time career.

A working mother lives with a constant sense of guilt for not being available for her kid/s. Never mind if you are doing a 9 to 5 job or are a seasoned actor like Parmar, the emotional toil that you have to go through is not different.

Parmer in her Instagram post further wrote, “Only I know how difficult it was for me to be away from you for two months. It’s the first time I’ve not seen you in so long and only I know how difficult each day was….my heart would cry every day but I knew this too would pass. And the way you hugged me, the way you held on to me, I wish I could freeze that moment. I don’t think there’s anyone in this world who can love a child more than a mother and a mother more than a child. That bond is truly irreplaceable.”


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Prioritising between work commitments and your child’s need is an unending dilemma for working mothers. And since it is assumed that a mother is the primary caregiver, there is always a conflict between what she wants in life and what she is expected to do. Managing kids, taking care of the elders in a family and juggling the myriad responsibilities which come with home and career, puts a lot of pressure on an individual. However, seeing a mother work also sets an important example for a child- that women can have both a family life and a career. Also, it helps kids understand that housework is equally important and should be shared.

The moment women step into the professional world after embracing motherhood their priorities are questioned. This is true for every mother who decides to go back to work. And it gets further complicated if you are a travelling mom.

As a travelling mother you constantly wonder, Will my child only remember that when he was sick I was not there? Will I be able to be a good mom if I hire help? Will they love me enough if they don’t see me around? Am I expecting too much from my partner?

Frequent travel for work may seem glamorous from far away but nights away from your family especially if you have young kids is not easy. You cannot do it on your own, you need a courageous partner and family who will unquestioningly support you through this and be proud of your achievements. The most important one is you have to not guilty about the choices you have made. Give your 100% at work. Feel free in asking for help and give credit when someone helps you out. Could Parmar have done it if she didn’t have an amazing support system? You and I both know the answer.

The views expressed are the author's own.

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Instagram Story Working mothers Juhi Parmar