Delusional men on the internet never disappoint with their quirky (completely fake) hot takes on making it big. No matter how removed from reality, these men make it seem like they leapt out of their mother's womb and became the epitome of "success". One such gentleman went viral on Twitter recently for his ever-inspiring story. Apparently, he has a Ph.D. and he is also the CEO of a firm. He came very close to seeming like a human when he shared that he did it all in the past 10 years while having six children. Our benevolent hero then shared his secret to "keeping it together" and very humbly wrote, "It's not sexy, but it's essential." The only problem? He just forgot about his wife who took care of his kids at home while he achieved his career milestones.
In a thread that is now viral, Tobi Emonts-Holley shared with his followers how he does weekly reviews, checks messages, makes a to-do list, and goes about planning all the man-rituals to stay up to date with his affairs. If not for his previous tweet, one could easily be astounded by the man's incredible life skills as a single father. Thanks to Twitterati, the real secret was revealed--his wife. In a tweet dated back to April this year, the gentleman had shared how he found his wife cleaning up one of the kid's bedroom "for the 9th time". The man seemed almost confused about how his wife "finds energy for that. 37 weeks pregnant and all?" Read the tweet here.
CEO With 6 Kids Forgets His Wife
In another tweet, the man shared a family portrait with the caption "purpose". He posed for the camera with his numerous children but his wife was nowhere to be seen. One user while reacting to the picture joked, "His wife takes the picture then takes the kids back off his hands so he can contemplate having checked "family time" off of his to-do list for the month."
Sensible folks of social media did the math and figured how the man was able to make the past 10 years of his life so professionally fulfilling. All this time, Holley's wife was pushing out children from her womb and cleaning up after them so that he could write about the secrets of "keeping it together" on Twitter one day without even a mention of her.
Another user commented, "dude. DUDE. who’s raising your 6 kids? what’s the market value of that labor? especially given that it frees you up for your little journaling habits & whatnot?"
The contribution of women in households is gravely undervalued. While the labour involved in childcare, cooking cleaning among numerous other responsibilities of women is available to men for free, these women don't even get a word of thanks from their male partners. Data supports the fact that working women are decreasing in number in the older age groups. What happens? Young women grab impressive opportunities after hard in academics or at their former workplaces and they are forced to choose between work or life--mostly children. Life is mostly conflict free for them if they let the man feel secure and lose the burden of outside work and replace it with only the unpaid one. The reality is that working women in most households are also coming back home from office and washing everyone's clothes. Meanwhile, men at the workplace are thriving. Well fed, wearing clean clothes and not worried about the sick child at home. They secure their jobs further by often repeating that they have "a family to feed."
Suggested Reading: How Valuing Women’s Non-Monetary Contribution Is Key To Their Property Ownership
It took Holley one day and heavy trolling to realise that he had done something problematic and to be honest cocky. In another tweet he wrote, "My wife is my rock and the rock of my family. Nothing would be possible without her. Thank you for taking time to read this." he added, " The next day, he decided to apologise for the major slip up and wrote, "It wasn’t my intention to downplay my wife’s incredible support, care and devotion to our family. The wording here has been terrible and I’ve learned my lesson. Again, I am very sorry!" Well, hope this apology floats well with his wife and his followers don't get the wrong idea that having half a dozen children in a decade while reaching heights of one's career is possible without a partner's support. One user rightly wrote, "The secret is a wife. it’s always a wife."
Views expressed by the author are their own.