
Influencer Allissa Shin Alleges She Was Threatened For Resemblance To BLACKPINK's Rose

Know who is Allissa Shin and what led her to speak up about alleged harassment from fans of K-pop idol Rose.

STP Reporter
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Who Is Allissa Shin
Who is Allissa Shin: A Korean-American influencer claims she was threatened for bearing a close resemblance to K-pop star Rose from BLACKPINK. She was at the centre of a violent incident recently, which allegedly put one of her followers' life in danger, as per her posts on social media. The cyberbullying incident has led to wide conversation among the K-pop fan community, with many coming out in the influencer's support.

Allissa Shin, who has over three lakh followers on Instagram, is famous on the internet for her uncanny similarity to the Korean pop star Rose. She has previously spoken, on multiple occasions, about the hate she receives for her appearance. In past statements, Shin has held that she does not dislike Rose but simply doesn't feel any particular way for her since she doesn't know her. More about Rose here.

Taking to Instagram recently, Shin wrote that one of her followers was allegedly deceived by an abuser who attempted to doxx her address. The screenshots of chats purportedly from the said aggressor that Shin shared showed texts that read "get a knife" and "kill yourself after," exchanged between the attacker and an anonymous user.

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"I can’t just ‘ignore the haters.’ I said this many times before, but calling me names and ‘Rosé copycat’ is not what upsets me anymore. It’s people physically forcing me into being unsafe at home or where I am, harming me, and putting those I love in danger," the influencer wrote on her social media, after sharing the disturbing chats.


She claimed "someone was demanding this young girl to harm herself in order to get my address. This person was explaining to her, in detail, everything she is doing from following me to the airport to stabbing me."

In later stories, Shin cleared that she was not actually stabbed by anyone and was "somewhere safe."

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Shin flagged the incident to her fans and called it a public service announcement for them to beware of such harassment. "Do not EVER play into these peoples’ games, especially if it involves risking your life," she wrote. She added that she approached the police in the doxxing case.


Several K-pop fans came to Shin's defence and condemned the behaviour of their fellow Rose admirers, criticising cyberbulling, online abuse and doxxing.

Images: Left/Rose, Right/Allissa Shin

K pop women influencer trolled blackpink Allissa Shin