
Scarlett Johansson Says She Has Made Her Career By Courting Controversies

"Everyone has a hard time admitting when they're wrong about stuff, and for all of that to come out publicly, it can be embarrassing," she said, adding, "I'm also a person."

Anoushka Das
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Scarlett Johansson Courting Controversies, Scarlett Johansson On Being Hypersexualised
Scarlett Johansson: Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson gave an interview with The Gentlewoman, a UK publication, and didn't shy away from giving her opinion on various matters.

She even spoke about her history of courting controversy several times."Yeah, I’ve made a career out of it," she said.

Scarlett Johansson supports Woody Allen

Recently, she made headlines after showing her support for Woody Allen, the man who has been accused of committing sexual assault. “I love Woody. I believe him, and I would work with him anytime," she said. She was slammed by his daughter Dylan Farrow who stated that Allen had molested her when she was a kid.

Earlier, she was slammed by people after she had decided to play a transgender man in a film. However, she dropped out of it after people said that she was a cis-gender woman, and hence, not suited for the role. But in July 2019, she told As If magazine that she "should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal." She later claimed that the comment was "edited for clickbait and is widely taken out of context."

Once, Scarlett Johansson was accused of whitewashing when she referred to Major Kusanagi, an originally Asian character that she played in the 2017 movie Ghost in the Shell. She then stated that she "would never presume to play another race of a person."

Scarlett Johansson also said that her personal beliefs should never come in the way of her acting. "I don't think actors have obligations to have a public role in society," she said. Johansson added that she never signed up to be a politician, and is only an actor.

She then defended herself by saying that she is "going to have opinions about things" because of who she is.

"Everyone has a hard time admitting when they're wrong about stuff, and for all of that to come out publicly, it can be embarrassing," she said, adding, "I'm also a person."

Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson controvery