
Jaya Bachchan And Shweta Bachchan Talks About Pay Parity Issues With Navya Naveli Nanda

Shweta Bachchan also discussed the problem of recently wed women being denied work possibilities because their employers worry that they would take maternity leave.

Khushi Sabharwal
New Update
Jaya Bachchan On Pay Parity
In the most recent episode of Navya Naveli Nanda's podcast, Jaya Bachchan, Shweta Bachchan Nanda, and Navya Naveli Nanda talked about the issue of pay equity for men and women, not just in the entertainment business but also in sports.

Shweta Bachchan also discussed the problem of recently wed women being denied work possibilities because their employers worry that they would take maternity leave.

Jaya Bachchan On Pay Parity

Navya Naveli Nanda mentioned that female athletes receive lower pay than male athletes. Shweta Bachchan Nanda countered that no one is speaking out about it. Women cricketers would receive the same match money as males, BCCI Honorary Secretary Jay Shah announced last month.

Navya Naveli Nanda said, “In sports, female athletes are not paid as much as male athletes. It has happened in NBA and tennis. It happens with a lot of different sports.” Shweta said the practice was "unfair," and Jaya claimed that men's "insecurity" was to blame. Jaya said, “It’s the insecurity of a man sitting at the head of it. He is insecure, which is why he feels it is easier to put a woman down in every field and in every way. It is an outcome of that kind of mindset.”

Shweta Bachchan Nanda reasoned, “Maybe it’s the same thing for the movies like a male tennis player will bring in more audience, has a bigger fan following, and therefore they want him to play more.” She continued by saying that one must begin a conversation about the problem to effect change. Men operate under the theory of "If it isn't broken, don't fix it," according to Shweta Bachchan Nanda. " So, if nobody is talking about pay parity, continue, how does it make a difference? They will never know. You have to voice it; you have to have people to advocate it,” she added.

According to Shweta Bachchan Nanda, the fact that women are "making an equal impact as men" is another reason why the issue needs to be addressed today more than ever. She continued, "Earlier, women ignored it because they were pleased to be a part of the story. But now, we are here, making an impact and are equal to men in every way. Equal pay is not an out-of-the-way ask."


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Navya Naveli Nanda Jaya Bachchan On Pay Parity Jaya Bachchan