
She Returned To Figure Skating After 16 Years, Became Oldest Winner At 40

Once retired and away from the ice for over a decade, Stellato-Dudek's journey to becoming the oldest woman to win a World Figure Skating Championship in the pairs event is nothing short of remarkable.

Oshi Saxena
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 Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images

Image Credit : Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images

Once retired and away from the ice for over a decade, Stellato-Dudek's journey to becoming the oldest woman to win a World Figure Skating Championship in the pairs event is nothing short of remarkable. Retiring from the sport in 2001 due to severe injuries, Stellato-Dudek returned to the ice after a 16-year hiatus, achieving a historic victory at the age of 40. Partnered with Maxime Deschamps, she defied the odds and claimed the title at the World Figure Skating Championships, becoming the oldest woman ever to do so.


A Miraculous Comeback

Retired in 2001, Deanna Stellato-Dudek's exit from the sport was marked by a series of debilitating injuries. Her impressive junior career saw her clinching titles like the 1999-2000 international Junior Grand Prix Final and securing a silver medal at the 2000 World Junior Championships. However, repeated injuries, including a broken ankle and a torn ligament, forced her to step away from the sport at the tender age of 17.

Courtesy Deanna Stellato-Dudek
Courtesy Deanna Stellato-Dudek

For the next 16 years, Stellato-Dudek embraced a normal life. She built a successful career as an aesthetician, got married, and left behind the rigorous demands of figure skating. Yet, the pangs of unfinished business never truly left her.

From Single Skater to Pairs Champion

In her 30s,  Stellato-Dudek made the audacious decision to return to competitive figure skating, but this time, in the perilous discipline of pairs skating. This transition is particularly challenging, as pairs skating demands immense strength and coordination to execute dangerous throws and lifts. Finding a suitable partner was the first hurdle. In 2016, she partnered with Nathan Bartholomay, a 2014 Olympian, and they achieved significant success, including two national bronze medals. However, Bartholomay's injuries ended their partnership in 2019.

 Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images
Image Credit- Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images

Undeterred, Stellato-Dudek began her search for a new partner, which led her to Maxime Deschamps in Canada. Deschamps, younger and equally driven, brought his own set of challenges and triumphs to their partnership. Together, they formed an unlikely yet formidable team.

Overcoming Age and Injuries

Stellato-Dudek's story is not merely about her age-defying return to the sport but also about overcoming the immense physical toll it demands. Pair skating is notoriously brutal, requiring female skaters to be thrown across the ice, lifted high into the air, and perform complex spins and jumps—all while maintaining perfect poise and balance.

Training for such feats at 40 necessitates extraordinary dedication. Stellato-Dudek endures extensive physical training, spending hours each night preparing her body for the next day's practice. Her rigorous routine and never-dying spirit have not only kept her competitive but also placed her at the pinnacle of the sport.

Inspiring a New Generation


Stellato-Dudek's victory is more than a personal achievement; it is an inspiration. Her historic win challenges the notion that age is a barrier to success, proving that perseverance and determination can lead to remarkable accomplishments at any stage of life.

"I hope it encourages people to not stop before they reach their potential," she remarked after winning the title. Her message goes beyond the world of sports, resonating with anyone facing obstacles in their careers or personal lives.

Looking Ahead to the 2026 Winter Olympics

With her eyes set on the 2026 Winter Olympics, Stellato-Dudek continues to defy expectations. The road ahead is filled with challenges, not least of which is securing Canadian citizenship—a prerequisite for competing for Canada. The citizenship requirement prevented the duo from participating in the 2022 Olympics, but Stellato-Dudek remains undeterred.

"My goal has always been 2026 if my body can last that long," she stated, embodying a spirit of strength and unyielding ambition. Her partner, Maxime Deschamps, echoes this sentiment, highlighting her dedication towards the sport: "She is a warrior. For her, it’s the Olympics every day."

Deanna Stellato Dudek Figure Skating Women Figure Skaters