
Ten Financial Tips For Gen Z Graduating From College

Saving is crucial for Gen Z and people in their 20s because it helps create financial security and prepares them for future goals like buying a home, travelling, or starting a business.

Twinkle Jain
New Update
Credit: Oscar Wong

Image Credit: Oscar Wong - Moment/Getty Images

Saving is crucial for Gen Z and people in their 20s because it helps create financial security and prepares them for future goals like buying a home, travelling, or starting a business. 

It's really important that one starts investing early on in their life because the earlier you start, the more you compound. Say if one starts an SIP of Rs 2,000 every month when they are of age 20 and assuming they get returns @10% p.a. then their wealth will accumulate to Rs 1.28 crores by the time they are 60. However, if everything else remains the same, one starts at the age of 30, and their wealth will just accumulate to Rs 45.58 lakhs. One can create so much difference if one starts early.  

10 Financial Tips For Gen Z 

1. Have a Budget

Understand what your income is and your expenses. Create a budget that outlines your monthly income and sets limits on how much you can spend on various categories like rent, utilities, groceries, entertainment, and savings. Sticking to a budget will help you avoid overspending and live within your means.

2. Establish an Emergency Fund

Unexpected expenses can pop up at any time, such as medical emergencies, car repairs, or sudden job loss. Estimate how much you need to survive 3-6 months' worth of expenses and save an equivalent amount in a savings account which can be easily accessed. Having an emergency fund will provide you with a financial safety net and peace of mind.


3. Pay Off Debt

If you have student loans or credit card debt, focus on paying them off as quickly as possible. Prioritize high-interest debt first to save money on interest payments. Consider creating a debt repayment plan to stay on track and motivated.

4. Understand Credit and Build It Wisely

Building a good credit history is essential for future financial opportunities, such as getting a mortgage or car loan. Use credit responsibly by paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and avoiding unnecessary debt. Regularly check your credit report to ensure accuracy and identity theft prevention.

5. Save and Invest Early

Time is your most valuable asset when it comes to investing. Start contributing to retirement as soon as possible. The power of compound interest will work in your favour, allowing your money to grow significantly over time.


6. Live Below Your Means

Avoid the temptation to spend excessively just because you have a steady income. Practice frugality and opt for saving or investing the extra money. Avoid lifestyle inflation and focus on long-term financial goals.

7. Learn About Personal Finance

Educate yourself about personal finance. Read books, attend seminars, or follow reputable financial websites. Understanding the basics of investing, taxes, and money management will empower you to make better financial decisions.

8. Negotiate Your Salary

When starting a new job or during performance reviews, don't be afraid to negotiate your salary. Research industry standards and be confident in the value you bring to the table. Negotiating a higher salary early in your career can have a significant impact on your lifetime earnings.


9. Consider Health Insurance

If you're no longer covered by your parents' health insurance, ensure that you have adequate coverage. Health emergencies can be financially devastating without insurance.

10. Set Financial Goals

Define your short-term and long-term financial goals. Whether it's saving for a down payment on a house, travelling, or starting a business, having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

In conclusion, graduating from college marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and taking control of your finances early on will set you on a path to financial freedom and success. By creating a budget, saving and investing wisely, and building good financial habits, you can confidently navigate the financial challenges that come your way and build a prosperous future.

Authored by Twinkle Jain, CA & Financial Content Creator. 

Suggested reading: Know How Goal-based Financial Planning Is Helpful To You

Financial Tips GenZ GenZ Financial Tips Investment Tips