
Reddit Thread Discuss: Why Are Women Schooled To Keep Their Sexual Desires Hidden?

Men have traditionally been socialised to be more upfront about their sexual desires and needs than women. Why are we so afraid of sexually liberated women?

Aastha Dhillon
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Women Sexual Desires
You must have come through the prevalent presumption which specifies that males get seduced at the slightest provocation and are eager to have sex anytime whereas women prefer sex less frequently and must be "in the mood. "For many years, it was widely assumed that men simply have more sexual desires than women and there are many other stigmas that are liable to cease women from being themselves.

Stigma Around Women Sexual Desires

Our society refuses to even register the word "sexuality" in its language. Women in this country, in particular, lack the agency to explore their sexuality along with expressing their sexual urges. Those who do are called sluts. Many individuals believe they must do so in order to keep women from "straying" and following the code of conduct prescribed to women in our orthodox culture. Why are we so afraid of sexually liberated women? People must understand that having sexual impulses is both common and natural. Speaking about or openly expressing your sexual urge should not be frowned upon. You should not be ashamed of something that is natural to your mind and body.

Another Reddit user asserts, "Men have traditionally been socialised to be more upfront about their sexual desires and needs than women. Women have been socialised to keep their sexual desires hidden or quiet, even though women can be more open about sex than ever before, really that's the only reason women haven't been as open about their own sexual desires especially if those desires don't fit neatly into what society considers "normal."

I believe that women have sexual desires just as strong as men, but they are less open about it for the reasons stated above.

The assumption that increased testosterone levels cause men to think more about sex, actively seek it out, and are more quickly turned on has yet to be validated by research. A woman's sex drive is influenced by a variety of things. Hormonal changes, pregnancy, and chronic illnesses can all have an impact on a woman's libido and how she responds to sexual wants. For instance, women can have numerous orgasms. If a woman expressing her sexuality involves rejecting cultural standards and expectations, it is critical that we get our cultural standards and expectations right.


Suggested Reading: Stop Slut-Shaming Women Who Own Their Sexuality

Views expressed by the author are their own

desire women sexuality