
I Ate A Whole Cake As Snack: Simrun Chopra Recalls Tough Road To Fitness

In a recent interview on The Rulebreaker Show hosted by Shaili Chopra, Simrun shared her tale of overcoming adversity, reclaiming her health, and inspiring a wave of change in the fight against obesity.

Oshi Saxena
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Simrun Chopra

Obesity, an issue of epidemic proportions, has entrenched itself as one of the most glaring yet overlooked public health dilemmas of our time. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), alongside undernutrition, the surge in overweight and obesity, often termed "globesity," is engulfing vast swathes of the global population. While men may bear a higher prevalence of being overweight, women struggle with soaring rates of obesity, posing multifaceted challenges to women's health, including fertility, hormonal imbalances, and heightened risks of diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, and breast cancer.


In the latest episode of The Rulebreaker Show, hosted by Shaili Chopra, founder of SheThePeople and Gytree, the spotlight was on Simrun Chopra, a celebrated nutritionist and health coach. Chopra's story resonates deeply with countless women worldwide as she navigates her turbulent battle with obesity, kickstarting her transformational journey after grappling with a staggering weight gain of over 20 kilos postpartum.

Simrun Chopra's Wake-Up Call

Following the birth of her child, Chopra found herself struggling with the aftermath of postpartum weight gain—a burden that soon spiralled into a cycle of overeating, binge eating, and, as she candidly admitted, "maybe an eating disorder as well." 

Her story unfolds with a startling revelation of her vulnerability, as she grapples with overeating and binge eating, "I remember I would eat a whole sponge cake as a snack," she confessed, laying bare the struggles she faced. It was a moment of reckoning—a realization that her relationship with food had become skewed, a coping mechanism for the myriad pressures and anxieties that accompanied motherhood.


However, it wasn't until a pivotal moment of collapse, when she found herself unable to lift her own child, that the gravity of her situation hit home. "I collapsed one day when I dropped my three-month-old child onto the bed, and I couldn't get up. I spent the next four weeks crawling around because they couldn't give me muscle relaxants, they couldn't give me specific painkillers because I was exclusively feeding him. It kept happening to me to the point that I could not go for a movie, I could not go for dinner, I couldn't do anything," Simrun recounted. Her health woes seemed to multiply, with a laundry list of ailments ranging from postpartum depression to cervical spondylitis. It was a wake-up call she couldn't ignore. 

For Chopra, it was not merely a matter of shedding pounds or fitting into societal norms; it was a matter of survival—a realization that her health was not just a personal responsibility but a profound obligation to herself and her loved ones.

Chopra's journey towards health and wellness was fraught with challenges—physical, emotional, and psychological. From grappling with postpartum depression to navigating a myriad of health issues, including endometriosis, cervical spondylitis, and vertigo, she faced an uphill battle at every turn. Yet, through sheer determination and her resolve to be a better version of herself, she refused to succumb to despair, drawing strength from the depths of her own resilience.

"I did all this because I was in a sh*t space," she admitted, her words echoing with a mix of defiance and vulnerability. It was a stark acknowledgement of the myriad pressures and anxieties that had driven her to the brink of despair—a recognition that her struggles were not merely physical but deeply intertwined with her emotional and psychological well-being

With steely resolve, Simrun embarked on a transformative journey towards health and wellness. Shedding over 20 kilograms in a period, she defied the odds and emerged victorious against the clutches of obesity and poor health. But her triumph extended beyond personal achievement; it blossomed into a mission to inspire and empower others to take control of their health and well-being.

A Global Epidemic - Obesity


Simrun's journey mirrors a larger narrative—the global epidemic of obesity that looms over societies worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is one of today’s most blatant yet neglected public health problems, escalating into a pervasive crisis affecting millions across the globe. Paradoxically coexisting with undernutrition, the phenomenon of "globesity" poses serious health risks, particularly for women. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the obesity epidemic is not restricted to industrialized societies; in developing countries, it is estimated that over 115 million people suffer from obesity-related problems. 

While men may have higher rates of being overweight, women bear the brunt of obesity's impact, with profound implications for their health and well-being.  From fertility issues to heightened risks of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and breast cancer, obesity casts a long shadow over women's lives, threatening to derail their dreams and aspirations.

According to research studies, up to 85% of women in developed countries are considered overweight or obese, with prevalence rates rising significantly among women of reproductive age. The

The Stigma Of Obesity

While obesity knows no bounds, its impact is disproportionately felt by women, who bear the brunt of its consequences. From fertility issues to heightened risks of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and breast cancer, obesity takes a heavy toll on women's health and well-being. The statistics paint a stark picture: up to 85% of women in developed countries are considered overweight or obese.

While obesity may seem like a mere issue of excess weight, its implications extend far beyond mere aesthetics. With serious social, psychological, and economic dimensions, obesity poses a significant threat to both individual well-being and public health systems worldwide.


According to the WHO, obesity rates have skyrocketed in recent decades, with over 300 million obese adults worldwide as of 2000. Contrary to popular belief, the obesity epidemic is not confined to developed nations, with developing countries also experiencing a significant rise in obesity-related problems. The statistics show a grim picture: up to 85% of women in developed countries are considered overweight or obese.

As highlighted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, obesity significantly impacts women's reproductive health, increasing the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Conditions such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and preeclampsia loom as formidable threats, posing grave risks to both maternal and fetal well-being. 

Beyond the physical health implications, there exists a pervasive culture of body shaming, a toxic narrative that vilifies women for their appearance, perpetuating a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity. The cultural pressure to adhere to unrealistic standards of beauty exacerbates this crisis, fueling dissatisfaction with body image and contributing to a myriad of health issues, from eating disorders to depression. Such stigma not only undermines self-esteem but also deters individuals from seeking essential healthcare and support.

On the contrary, addressing obesity can result in the resolution of associated health issues, much like Simrun's journey. Recognizing the severity of her condition, she took decisive action and persevered through a personal struggle, emerging victorious by prioritizing her health. Today, as a health coach and nutrition advocate, she serves as an inspiration to millions of women, championing a transformative shift towards prioritizing women's health and well-being. While reflecting on her journey and the pivotal moment that drove her to reclaim her health, she articulately states, "If this is where I'm at 30, I can't achieve any of my dream goals if I can't walk at 40."

WHO Women Health Research Weight loss Journey Simrun Chopra