
Not All Women Plan To Get Married. Stop Making it A Big Deal

The concept that marriage is the only purpose of a women’s life and she should put her life and happiness on hold for marriage, is faulty and outdated. Here's why

Khushi Mishra
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Patriarchy is a centuries-old concept that has firmly rooted itself into our everyday traditions, customs, values, and teachings. It is the idea that men are superior to women and that the sole purpose of a woman's life is to tend to the needs of her husband and children. Women do not have an individual identity of their own mostly known as daughters, wives and mothers to men in their families. This mindset makes marriage a crucial aspect of their lives. They are often taught that marriage is the only way a woman can seek happiness and fulfilment in her life. But is it true that a woman's life has little value if she remains unmarried? Let's find out.

Sushmita Sen, a noted actor and the first Indian to win the Miss Universe title, is living her single life happily with her two adopted daughters. Coco Chanel, a famous French designer and the founder of the brand Chanel, never married and yet built a successful company all on her own. Jane Austen, the writer of novels like Pride and Prejudice, Sense And Sensibility, Emma and Persuasion, left behind a legacy that is still evergreen despite remaining unmarried throughout her life. All these women and more have proved time and again that even without a man by their side, we can still flourish and find happiness.

The modern Indian woman is single and rocking it. Many want to be caregivers, independent because they don't want to be tied down, prefer being unmarried moms and for many other reasons. And there is data to prove that more and more women today believe in their capabilities to build their life and identity on their own.

There are as many as 73 million single women in India and this number includes those who are unmarried, separated, divorced and widowed. Between the years 2001 and 2011, the number of single women in India has seen a rise of 40 percent.

Suggested Reading: Single Women Stereotypes : Are You Subject to These?


Some Women Plan To Get Married, Some Don't

Now let us have a look at the other side of the story. According to National Crimes Record Bureau's 2022 report, the cases of domestic violence have risen by 58 percent in the last 18 years. National Family Health Survey of 2022 also suggests that only 32 percent of married women in India (between ages 15 and 49 years) are employed. The figure stands at 98 percent for men.

The bottom line is that marriage does not always equate to happiness. If a woman chooses to get married and have children that is her choice. But if a woman chooses to focus on her career and remain single, it doesn't make her sad or lonely. So, the concept that marriage is the only purpose of a women’s life and she should put her life and happiness on hold for marriage, is faulty and outdated.

Views expressed are the author's own.

Patriarchy Young Writers Program Single Women