
Five Things You Should Know If You Are Considering Freezing Your Eggs

Egg production and quality decrease with age, particularly after 35 years of age. Women who freeze their eggs can enhance their chances of having healthy children in later future

Dr Nisha Bhatnagar
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Oocyte cryopreservation, commonly known as egg freezing, is a procedure that allows women to freeze and save their eggs for future usage, ensuring their fertility for the future. After being extracted from the ovaries, the eggs are frozen and stored safely in a lab. When the lady is ready to become a mother, the eggs are thawed and fertilized with sperm before being placed back into her uterus.


Egg freezing is an excellent choice for women who want to postpone having children for a variety of reasons, including employment, education, personal concerns, and others.

The following are some elements that could impact your decision:

Age: Egg production and quality decrease with age, particularly beyond 35 years of age. Women who freeze their eggs can enhance the likelihood that they will become fertile in the future and have healthy children. One of the most crucial things to take into account when considering egg freezing is age. The eggs are more likely to be healthy and viable at a young age especially between the ages of 26 to 35, this is the ideal age range for egg freezing. This does not imply, however, that women over 35 cannot or ought not to freeze their eggs. It simply indicates that they might have fewer odds of success and require more cycles of stimulation and retrieval.

Psychological Factors: Psychological elements that impact women's intent and desire to freeze their eggs include their perspective of control over their reproductive decisions, their attitude toward the procedure, and the pressure they experience from others. These variables may affect women's assessments of the advantages and disadvantages of egg freezing, as well as their feelings of satisfaction and regret following the procedure.

Medical Factors: Illnesses and therapies, like chemotherapy, endometriosis, and autoimmune diseases, can take a toll on fertility and decrease the production of eggs. Before undergoing any treatments that might affect their fertility, women can preserve their fertility by egg freezing. Women who wish to put off having children for personal or professional reasons—such as going after their education, careers, or travels—may also choose to do so. With Egg Freezing there is more flexibility and possibilities, as well as a sense of security and control over their reproductive future.

Family history: Egg freezing can help women who have a family history of early menopause or premature ovarian failure by delaying the loss of their eggs.

Personal preferences: For personal reasons, such as not finding the right partner, wishing to concentrate on their work or education, or having moral or religious objections to other fertility preservation techniques like embryo freezing, some women may decide to store their eggs.

 A live birth or pregnancy is not guaranteed by egg freezing. The age of the woman at the time of freezing, the quantity and quality of eggs frozen, the freezing and thawing procedure, the rates of fertilization and implantation, and the state of the uterus are only a few of the numerous variables that impact the success rate of egg freezing. Women who are thinking about freezing their eggs should consult with their respective doctors. Egg freezing can be a freeing and powerful choice for women.

Dr Nisha Bhatnagar, MBBS. MD (ObGyn), is the Medical Director of Infinite Fertility. Views expressed by the author are their own.

Egg freezing Egg Freezing In India Egg Freezing Women