
Things That 'Independent' Women Hesitate To Do For Themselves

A friend told me, "Until you stop being hesitant to take agency over your life, you’re not truly independent." That hit me deeply. She was right. I hesitate to make certain decisions and end up feeling guilt-ridden when I do things for myself.

Kalyani Ganesan
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things independent women forget to do for themselves

Deepika Padukone in a still from Piku | Image: Sony Liv

In a recent conversation with a friend, she pointed out something that struck a chord with me, "You claim to be an independent woman, but you don’t seem to act like one." Curious, I asked her to elaborate. She explained, "Until you stop being hesitant to take agency over your life, you’re not truly independent." That hit me deeply. She was right. I might have a job, I might be taking care of my everyday needs, and I might have even been daring enough to walk away from things that made me unhappy, but a deeper introspection made me realise that I continue to hesitate to take agency over my life.


I often feel guilty when prioritising my own happiness, knowing that it might not align with societal norms, a sentiment many Indian women can understand.

This could be major decisions like quitting a job and planning a startup venture, starting or ending a relationship, or even an everyday decision like wearing clothes of our choice or taking some time off to reboot. Society often places ce

independent women Independence day Women Of Independence Things That Make Women Feel Guilty