
TikTok Creator Defends Body Hair, Calls For Embracing 'Hairy Winter'

Ladies, gather around because we have a groundbreaking revelation for you: BODY HAIR IS IN! That's right, those untamed tufts of fuzz that have been tormenting our legs, underarms, and other places are now officially trendy

Nikita Gupta
New Update
The Hairy Warriors, removing body hair, underarm hair fashionable

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Ladies, gather around because we have a groundbreaking revelation for you: BODY HAIR IS IN! That's right, those untamed tufts of fuzz that have been tormenting our legs, underarms, and other places are now officially trendy. 


TikTok Trend

Spencer Barbosa, a 20-year-old with over nine million followers on TikTok and more than 500 million likes on the platform, along with over 1 million followers on Instagram, in her TikTok video that has received over 240,000 likes and been viewed over a million times, openly talks about her body hair.

Barbosa asserts that body hair is entirely natural and completely acceptable. She encourages the idea that no one should feel compelled to shave for someone else and emphasises that it's a personal choice because it's your body.

In her viral TikTok video, she explained how she's been rocking body hair since she was seven, and we can't help but admire her commitment to her inner Sasquatch.

'Hairy Girl Winter'

Barbosa makes a compelling case for going au naturel. Who needs smooth, silky legs when you can have a forest of fuzz to keep you warm in the winter and provide an extra layer of cushioning for your daily activities? Razor companies, you're on notice! We're no longer interested in buying your overpriced products that claim to liberate us from our natural selves. We've seen the light, and it's hairy.


Barbosa also debunks the misconceptions that having body hair is "unhygienic" or "masculine," emphasising that it's a natural part of everyone's body. She encourages women to embrace their natural "fur" and stop feeling shame about it.

But wait, there's more! The benefits of embracing the hairy trend are endless. For one, you can save a fortune on razors, waxing appointments, and hair removal creams. Think about all the money you'll have left to spend on essentials like avocado toast and designer fanny packs. Isn't it liberating to have hairy legs while sipping on a latte on a cruise overlooking a sunset?

The 'Empowerment' Factor

I remember the good old days of 90s madness when women were all about the hairless revolution. We spent a small fortune on Brazilian waxes, plucked every last rogue hair, and even considered laser treatments to banish our body hair into oblivion. But folks, times have changed. Generation Z has shown us the light, and it turns out our ancestors had something going with that whole "fur" thing.

The feeling of rebelling against societal norms by letting your hair grow freely is like a breath of fresh air. You're not just growing hair; you're growing confidence! You're flipping the bird to the beauty industry that told you to be silky smooth at all times.

Barbosa's empowering TikTok message reflects a generational shift that has taken place over the years. While millennial women were prominent in the hair removal movement, paying significant amounts for monthly Brazilian waxes, Gen Z individuals are more inclined to embrace their body hair. Celebrating natural body hair has become a trendy movement on TikTok, with some young women even boasting about how long it has been since they last shaved or waxed.


Whether you're sporting a five o'clock shadow under your arms or rocking a full-on leg sweater, it's all about confidence. Hair today, gone tomorrow, and back again the day after that – because being hairy is the new black.

Views expressed by the author are their own

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Stigma around body hair normalising body hair body hair women