
Back Up In Love: Do Women Have 'Plan B' In Relationships?

A recent study has brought to light an intriguing revelation: nearly half of all women surveyed confessed to having a fallback plan in case their current relationship takes an unexpected turn.

Oshi Saxena
New Update

A recent study published by the Daily Mail sheds light on the fact that almost 50 percent of women have a contingency plan in place should their current relationships hit a rough patch. This intriguing phenomenon, colloquially referred to as having a 'Plan B,' reveals a spectrum of emotions, choices, and considerations that women navigate in the complex realm of relationships.


As we explore the intricacies of this revelation, SheThePeople delves even deeper, bringing forth the voices of five women who, for reasons ranging from societal pressures to the desire for appreciation, choose to remain anonymous while sharing their unique perspectives.

Who Is The Fall-Back Partner?

The study highlights that the fall-back partner is often an old friend, someone who has secretly harboured feelings for the woman in question. It could also be an ex-boyfriend, an ex-husband, a colleague, or even a friend from the gym. The reasons behind having a Plan B range from procreational purposes to the desire to avoid loneliness.

Interestingly, the survey, which included responses from 1,000 women, revealed that married women are more likely to have a second option compared to those in a relationship. For some, Plan B has been a constant presence for as long as seven years, and one in ten women disclosed that their fallback partner had already confessed their feelings.

More than four out of ten women admitted to becoming acquainted with their backup plan during their existing relationship. Shockingly, around twelve percent of the surveyed women confessed that their feelings for Plan B were "stronger" than those for their current partner. This revelation prompts reflection on the intricacies of emotional connections and the fluid nature of human relationships.

Communication within Relationships


Surprisingly, a significant number of women revealed that their current partners were aware of the existence of a Plan B. Some partners took it lightly, accepting jokes about the backup plan, while others felt uncomfortable discussing it. In a twist of irony, some women disclosed that their fallback partner was a friend of their current partner, adding a layer of complexity to the dynamics.

Men's Perspective and Expert Commentary

The study's findings also shed light on men's reactions to the notion of a Plan B. A spokesperson from the online market research company expressed concern over the revelation, stating that the prevalence of women having a backup plan could make men reconsider their actions in relationships. The spokesman emphasized the role of social media in facilitating connections with old flames.

Exclusive Anonymous Narratives on  'Plan B' In Relationships

In delving into the profound reasons behind women having a Plan B, SheThePeople embarked on an exclusive journey, interviewing five diverse women who, for the sake of honesty and vulnerability, chose to remain anonymous.

  • The first woman, hailing from a conservative Indian family background, highlighted the societal pressures and family expectations that often dictate the course of a woman's love life. The poignant reality she shared underscores the challenges women face in choosing their life partners against the backdrop of traditional norms.
  • The second interviewee, after five years in a relationship, expressed the desire for her partner to take more initiative in safeguarding their connection. Her reflections on the next few years of her life brought forth the nuanced emotions that arise when comparing one's relationship against societal benchmarks. The mention of a friend who appreciates and sees her speaks to the need for acknowledgement within a relationship.
  • The third woman, unapologetically embracing the concept of a backup, debunked the notion that it questions loyalty. Her perspective on love, which is not confined to a single occurrence, challenges the conventional narrative of waiting for a relationship to work. Her candid acknowledgement of charting her own path if the current relationship doesn't align with her aspirations reflects a pragmatic approach to love and life.
  • Conversely, the fourth woman emphasized the simplicity of having no Plan B in a relationship. For her, emotional fidelity is paramount, and the idea of harbouring feelings for a potential partner while in a committed relationship is synonymous with emotional infidelity.
  • The fifth interviewee provided a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the benefits and consequences of having a backup plan. She urged women to communicate concerns with their partners, emphasizing that addressing issues within the relationship should precede seeking qualities in others. This insight resonates as a call for open communication and mutual efforts to strengthen the bonds of love.

After synthesizing these personal narratives, it becomes evident that the concept of a Plan B is multifaceted. It is influenced by societal norms, the desire for appreciation and initiative within relationships, evolving views on love, the importance of emotional fidelity, and the necessity of communication in navigating the complexities of modern relationships.

breakups Gen Z Women love and relationships relationships