
The Growing Need For Senior Healthcare: Why Connected Care Matters

Addressing the healthcare needs of the elderly requires a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration between the healthcare sector, social welfare, urban and rural development, and legal authorities.

Rupal Sancheti
New Update
Senior healthcare

Representative image | Credit: Healyos Healthcare

As our population ages, the importance of senior healthcare becomes increasingly evident. Senior healthcare is a specialised branch of medical care that focuses on the unique health needs of older individuals.


It covers a broad spectrum of services, including preventive care, chronic disease management, and support for age-related issues. The goal is to enhance the quality of life for seniors, allowing them to maintain their independence, well-being, and vitality.

The Growing Need for Senior Healthcare

Ageing is an inherent part of life, and it brings unique challenges across society. While there's some debate about the exact definition of 'elderly,' it's generally considered as individuals aged 65 and above. Advances in healthcare have increased life expectancy, resulting in a growing elderly population. It's projected that by 2025, the number of people aged 60 and over will reach 1.2 billion, increasing to two billion by 2050. Notably, about 75% of this elderly population will reside in developing nations with overburdened healthcare systems.

As people age, they often face a range of health-related challenges. These may include managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease, coping with cognitive decline, and addressing mobility issues. Senior healthcare is tailored to address these specific concerns and provide comprehensive care that promotes healthy ageing.

An ageing population typically experiences a higher prevalence of chronic diseases, physical disabilities, mental health issues, and other coexisting conditions. The healthcare needs of the elderly are influenced by a range of factors, including social isolation, maltreatment, inadequate awareness of risk factors, nutritional requirements, psychological well-being, financial constraints, healthcare system shortcomings, and physical considerations, all of which significantly impact their quality of life.

Addressing the healthcare needs of the elderly requires a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration between the healthcare sector, social welfare, urban and rural development, and legal authorities. A community-based geriatric healthcare program should be grounded in a holistic policy framework that addresses not only medical aspects but also these social determinants.


Caring for our ageing loved ones, no matter where we are, is a shared responsibility. Healyos Healthcare is committed to providing excellent at-home healthcare services to the elderly, bridging geographical gaps and ensuring seniors receive the care they need while preserving their comfort and independence.

My Commitment to Senior Well-being

Through Healyos Healthcare, we are dedicated to improving the healthcare services available to seniors in India. Their approach to senior healthcare encompasses a wide range of services, including home-based care, specialist consultations, physiotherapy, and nursing assistance. The goal is to provide seniors with the healthcare support they need in the comfort of their homes.

Our mission is to ensure that seniors receive the highest quality healthcare services, designed to meet their unique needs. They offer online consultations with specialist doctors, making healthcare more accessible for seniors who may prefer or require remote medical attention. 

By providing seniors with the care they need where they feel most comfortable, we strive to enhance the overall quality of life for elderly individuals. This proactive approach to senior healthcare ensures that the ageing population receives the necessary medical attention, support, and resources to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Authored Rupal Sancheti, Managing Director at Healyos Home Healthcare

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Senior Healthcare Senior Care Senior Caregiving Ageing People