
Bestfriend Reels Are Comforting - But Is Everything Real?

Do you also stop at the reels that show friendship goals? Do you also look at them more than once and vicariously live through them? Do you wish to have such friendships too? Well, all of us do. But is it possible?

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
BFF Goals: 6 Films To Watch With Your Friends This Friendship Day

Do you also stop at the reels that show friendship goals? Do you also look at them more than once and vicariously live through them? Do you wish to have such friendships too? Well, all of us do. But is it possible? Or are the reels just making our expectations high? 


Friendship is like making chai. You add water, tea leaves, milk and masala to make the best blend. It simmers and goes down into your mug. You sit and enjoy every sip of what you have made. But one day, the mug will be empty and you will only be left with the taste of the tea you made. Similarly, a friend, or a best friend, comes into your life because you vibe with them. But one day they may leave because of various reasons. 

Reels on friendship 

The reels on friendship are truly adorable. They preserve our belief in friendship and don't let it get lost in the fog of changing dynamics of life.

Friendship VS Relationships 

This reel for example celebrates friendships more than relationships. 


Friendships are indeed much better than relationships - in my opinion. The latter can turn bitter and toxic but the former doesn't have any boundaries to be minded. No, don't get me wrong. I am not talking about personal boundaries but about the boundaries of friendship. You can be as open as you want in the bond of friendship. 

How else will you explain your rants about your partner or ex in front of your bestie? 

Friendship: cushion of all emotions 

Ranting about others, talking about life, crying together and laughing them away- friendship is the cushion that bears all our emotions and yet provides comfort. This is what makes friendships the most special bond in the society. 


What do you do together?

This reel features activities that best friends can do with each other. Even though we mostly spend our time with friends sipping Chai, judging people, ranting about others, and watching movies while gossiping, activities like these seem enticing. Have a look 


But can we really do them? I will leave this open-ended 

Friends Forever 

Then this reel talks about friendships that end till hair grows grey. It makes us believe that friendships made in the innocence of childhood at the back bench can last till the scribbles on the bench turn into wrinkles on the face.

How beautiful would it be if we could go on trips with our best friends even when age says you are too old for it?

Sign the contract

Lastly, I almost said 'I want this' when I watched this reel. Watch it and you will know why!

Reality of friendship 

Time to get back to reality. Reels were comforting and you would have had a good laugh sharing them with your friends. But would you apply or would you be able to apply all of them in real life? Can friendships end till hair grows old? Can friendships last forever if we keep doing "friendship goal" activities? And can a friendship be made legal through court documents? 

Well, no. Some of us might be lucky to have friends who last forever.

In today's world of success and career, it's not possible to maintain friendships. Every friend lives far apart and you cannot meet them every day over chai or dinner to discuss your day. Yes, communication mediums are there but they cannot match the tangibility of human touch.

You are unable to describe everything because of the lack of communication and lack of understanding about each other's lives. And then, the friendship becomes blurred, if not faded. You talk to each other as a formality without sharing with them stuff that you went through. 

Moreover, in the case of women, friendships do not last beyond marriage. There are only a few married women who are in touch with their best friends. Otherwise, most of the married women have to befriend the wives of their husband's friends or women of their matrimonial home's circle.

The truth of friendship is that it is an unconditional relationship bounded by nothing but mutual understanding. We cannot question or decide when it comes and leaves. We need to accept this erratic nature of friendship. But don't stop befriending people and calling up that long-lost best friend. We cannot change the climate but we can change how to live with it.

Views expressed are the author's own.

Bestfriends Female friendship International Friendship Day reels